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Chocolate Protein Mousse

Servings: 4

Per Serving:

Calories: 213

Protein: 8g - Carbohydrates: 25g - Fat: 9g


  • 200g Silken Tofu

  • 50g Quality Dark Chocolate (70% cocoa or above)

  • 2 tbsp Cocoa Powder

  • 1/4 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • 3 tbsp Honey or Maple Syrup (adjust according to sweetness preference)

  • 1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

  • A pinch of salt

  • Fresh berries for garnish (optional)


  1. Melt the dark chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl or double boiler until smooth.

  2. Add the silken tofu, melted chocolate, cocoa powder, almond milk, honey or maple syrup, vanilla extract, and salt into a blender or food processor. Blend until the mixture is creamy and smooth.

  3. Divide the chocolate mousse equally among four dessert glasses or bowls.

  4. Refrigerate the mousse for at least 2 hours, allowing it to set before serving.

  5. Optionally, garnish with fresh berries before serving.

Coach's Notes:

  • Texture Tip: For a chunkier mousse, blend the ingredients briefly or stir some by hand to maintain texture.

  • Protein Boost: To increase the protein content, add a scoop of your favorite protein powder to the mix or top with Greek yogurt when serving.

  • Sweetness Variation: Depending on the sweetness of the chocolate you use and your preference, you should adjust the amount of honey or maple syrup. Always taste and adjust according to your liking.

  • Shelf Life: This mousse tastes best within 2-3 days. Ensure it's stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Remember, for precise nutritional information you'd need to use specific brands and measure ingredients accurately. Adjust as necessary to fit your needs!