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“Stars & Stripes”

“Stars & Stripes” is a patriotic workout designed to celebrate Independence Day. This 13-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) embodies the spirit of July 4th, pushing you to test your endurance, strength, and coordination. With challenging movements that target multiple energy systems, this workout will have you breathing hard and pushing through muscle fatigue. Embrace the challenge and honor the red, white, and blue with sweat and determination!

Equipment Needed: Pull-up bar, Jump rope, Plyo Box (24/20")

13min AMRAP:

  • 7x Box Jump Overs

  • 4x Bar Muscle Ups

  • 17x Burpees

  • 76x Double Unders

Scoring: Total number of rounds and reps completed within 13 minutes.

Performance Goals:

  • Beginner: 4+ Rounds

  • Intermediate: 5+ Rounds

  • Advanced: 6+ Rounds

  • Elite: 7+ Rounds

Scaling Options:

  • Box Jump Overs: Box Step-Overs

  • Bar Muscle Ups: Pull-Ups

  • Burpees: Step-Back Burpees

  • Double Unders: Single Unders (double the reps)

Workout Goals: Complete as many rounds as possible with efficient transitions and a steady pace. Focus on maintaining form and pushing through each movement with determination.

Pacing Tips:

  • Rest Periods & Unbroken Sets: Take quick, strategic breaks between exercises. Aim to complete movements unbroken or with minimal breaks to avoid breaking momentum. Smooth is fast.

  • Transitions: Set up your equipment close together to minimize transition time. Move quickly but smoothly between exercises.

Coach’s Notes:

  • Box Jump Overs: Stay low when transitioning over the box to reduce the time needed to complete each rep and conserve energy.

  • Bar Muscle Ups: Focus on a strong kip and a smooth transition over the bar. If scaling, ensure full range of motion for Pull-Ups.

  • Burpees: "Slow and steady" wins the race. Just keep moving.

  • Double Unders: Stay relaxed and keep the jump rope handles close to your body. Use quick wrist movements to turn the rope efficiently.

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