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6 Station sySTM: Partner WOD

In Teams of 2, complete for time. Partner A begins rowing for calories. Partner B begins chipping away at the reps on Station 1. Partners may swap roles at any time, but may not progress to the next station until completing all reps of the previous station. Score is the total time to complete all 6 stations minus the total calories rowed where 1 calorie equals 1 second.

Station 1: 60 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (35/25#)
Station 2: 60 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
Station 3: 60 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25#)
Station 4: 60 Pull Ups
Station 5: 60 Slam Ball Sit Ups (20/15#)
Station 6: 60 Dumbbell Devil’s Press (35/25#)

Target Time to Complete:

  • Beginner: 35-42 minutes

  • Intermediate: 28-34 minutes

  • Advanced: 21-27 minutes

The workout is designed to be completed in teams of two. Partner A starts rowing for calories while Partner B begins working on the reps at Station 1. Partners can switch roles at any time but must complete all reps at each station before moving on to the next. Here's a strategy to execute the workout effectively:

  1. Communication: Communicating and coordinating with your partner throughout the workout is crucial. Plan your strategy for each station, including how many reps each partner will attempt before switching.

  2. Efficiency and Pacing: Break the reps into manageable sets for each station that allow for consistent movement without burning out too quickly. Find a pace you can sustain throughout the workout, and monitor your rest periods to avoid excessive fatigue.

  3. Smooth Transitions: Aim for quick and efficient transitions when switching roles or moving to the next station. Minimize the time spent transitioning to maximize the overall time.

  4. Strategic Resting: Strategically plan your rest periods to optimize performance. Take short, planned breaks during sets to maintain intensity while avoiding excessive fatigue. Communication with your partner can help determine the best times to rest.

Intended Stimulus: The workout is designed to challenge both strength and conditioning. It combines various movements targeting different muscle groups while rowing for calories adds a cardiovascular component. The intended stimulus combines endurance, teamwork, and mental resilience.

Intermediate Scaling:

  • Reduce the weight of the dumbbells (30/20#), kettlebells (20/14kg), and slam ball (15/10#) to a challenging but manageable load.

  • Scale the pull-ups to jumping pull-ups or banded pull-ups.

  • Decrease the total number of reps at each station (e.g., 45 instead of 60).

Beginner Scaling:

  • Further, reduce the weights of the dumbbells (25/15#) and kettlebells (16/12kg) to a weight that allows for proper form and technique.

  • Scale to bodyweight sit ups.

  • Substitute pull-ups with ring rows or jumping pull-ups.

  • Decrease the total number of reps at each station (e.g., 30 instead of 60).

Movement Standards:

  • Dumbbell Box Step Overs: Holding dumbbells by your side, step up onto a box or platform with both feet, and fully extend the hips at the top. Step down with both feet and alternate the leading leg.

  • Russian Kettlebell Swings: Use a kettlebell and swing it between your legs, maintaining a flat back and using the hips and legs to generate power. The kettlebell should swing up to shoulder level or slightly above.

  • Dumbbell Thrusters: Hold dumbbells at shoulder height, squat down, and then explosively stand up while pressing the dumbbells overhead.

  • Pull-ups: Start from a hanging position with arms fully extended and pull your chin over the bar. A full range of motion is achieved when the chin clears the bar.

  • Slam Ball Sit-ups: Perform a sit-up while holding a slam ball. As you sit up, lift the slam ball overhead and then slam it down to the ground.

  • Dumbbell Devil’s Press: Start with dumbbells on the ground, perform a burpee with dumbbells in hand, then transition into a double dumbbell snatch or clean and jerk movement.