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Burn the Bird

Burn the Bird is a high-intensity, multi-stage workout designed to challenge your strength, endurance, and agility. This workout is a test of both physical and mental toughness, featuring a series of diverse exercises. Prepare to push your limits with this dynamic and demanding routine.


  1. For Time:

    • 30 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)

    • Rest 5 minutes

    • 5 Rounds of:

      • 15 calorie Bike

      • 15 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

    • Rest 4 minutes

    • 4 Rounds of:

      • 4 Pull-Ups

      • 8 Push-Ups

      • 16 Air Squats

    • Rest 3 minutes

    • 3 Rounds of:

      • 15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

      • 15 calorie Row

    • Rest 2 minutes

    • 2 Rounds of:

      • 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)

      • 30 Sit-Ups

    • Rest 1 minute

    • Finally, perform 50 Burpees

Scaling Option(s)

  • Clean-and-Jerks: Reduce weight to maintain proper form.

  • Bike & Row: Adjust the calorie count to suit your fitness level.

  • Kettlebell Swings: Use a lighter kettlebell.

  • Pull-Ups: Use band-assisted pull-ups or ring rows.

  • Push-Ups: Perform knee push-ups if needed.

  • Box Jumps: Step-ups as an alternative.

  • Wall Ball Shots: Reduce the weight of the ball.

  • Burpees: Perform modified burpees without the jump.

Intended Stimulus

  • Target Time: Aim to complete this workout within 40-50 minutes.

  • Time Cap: Set a hard cap at 60 minutes to maintain workout intensity.

  • Intended Stimulus: This workout is designed to improve cardiovascular endurance, strength, and muscular endurance, pushing you to your limits in a controlled manner.

Strategy & Pacing

  • Clean-and-Jerks: Focus on steady pacing, avoiding burnout early in the workout.

  • Bike & Row: Maintain a consistent, moderate pace.

  • Kettlebell Swings & Wall Ball Shots: Break these into manageable sets.

  • Bodyweight Movements (Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Air Squats, Burpees): Aim for unbroken sets or small sets with short breaks.

  • Box Jumps: Steady pace, focusing on safe landings.

  • Rest Periods: Use these wisely to recover and prepare for the next round.

Coach's Notes

This workout, "Burn the Bird", is as challenging as it is rewarding. It's crucial to approach each segment with a strategy that plays to your strengths while also challenging your weaker areas. Remember, form is key; prioritize it over speed or number of reps. This workout isn't just about physical strength; it's about building mental toughness and endurance. Stay focused, push through the tough parts, and remember to cool down and stretch afterward. You've got this!

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