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Hell’s Hingin’

For Time: 

Buy In: 1000m Row or Ski 

Then, 21-15-9: Barbell Deadlift (225/155#) 

Toes to Bar 

Cash Out: 1000m Row or Ski

Target Time to Complete:

  • Beginner: 20-30 minutes

  • Intermediate: 15-20 minutes

  • Advanced: 12-15 minutes

Overall Strategy to Execute the Workout: The workout consists of a buy-in, three rounds of barbell deadlifts and toes to bar, and finishes with a cash-out of another 1000m row or ski. Here's a strategy to execute the workout effectively:

  1. Buy-In: Start with the 1000m row or ski. Pace yourself here and find a sustainable rhythm. It's important not to exhaust yourself too much in the buy-in, as you still have the central part of the workout.

  2. 21-15-9: Once you complete the buy-in, move on to the 21-15-9 portion of the workout. Break down the sets of deadlifts and toes to bar into manageable chunks, with short rest periods in between. For example, you can aim to complete 7 deadlifts, take a short break, do another 7, and so on. Apply a similar approach to the toes to bar. This will help you maintain a consistent pace throughout the rounds.

  3. Cash-Out: After completing the 21-15-9 portion, it's time for the cash-out, another 1000m row or ski. Push yourself to finish strong, but be mindful of your fatigue level from the previous rounds. Find a pace that you can sustain until the end.

Intended Stimulus: This workout is designed to be a challenging combination of strength and conditioning. The high-rep deadlifts and toes to bar will target your posterior chain, grip strength, and core. The rowing or skiing portions provide a cardiovascular challenge. The intended stimulus is to push your limits in terms of strength, endurance, and mental resilience.

Intermediate Scaling:

  • Reduce the weight of the barbell deadlifts to a challenging but manageable load (185/135#).

  • Scale the toes to bar to knee raises or hanging knee tucks.

  • Decrease the rowing or skiing distance to 750m or 500m.

Beginner Scaling:

  • Reduce the weight of the barbell deadlifts further to a weight that allows for proper form and technique (135/95#).

  • Substitute toes to bar with abmat sit-ups or hanging knee raises.

  • Decrease the rowing or skiing distance to 500m or 250m.

Movement Standards:

  • Barbell Deadlift: The barbell starts on the ground and is lifted to a standing position, with the hips and knees fully extended and the shoulders behind the bar. The athlete should maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.

  • Toes to Bar: From a hanging position on the pull-up bar, the athlete raises their toes to touch the bar, ensuring both feet simultaneously make contact with the bar.

  • Row/Ski: Maintain proper form and technique while rowing or skiing. For rowing, the handle should start and finish at the appropriate positions. For skiing, use proper technique and engage the whole body in the movement.