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“Lt. Brad Clark”

Workout Description:

For Time:


  • 95 Double-Unders

Then, 6 Rounds of:

  • 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Clean-and-Presses (50/35 lb) (alternating)

  • 11 Burpees

  • 18 Weighted Lunges (50/35 lb) (alternating)


  • 95 Double-Unders

Movement Details:

  • Single Arm Dumbbell Clean-and-Presses: Alternating arms after each rep, execute a total of 10 repetitions per round, adhering to 5 per arm. Both a push press or strict press are permitted, excluding a jerk.

  • Weighted Lunges: With the dumbbell secured in any racked position (front, back, or over one shoulder), complete 18 total repetitions per round, which breaks down to 9 per leg.

Scaling Options:

  • Rx (Prescribed):

    • As detailed above.

  • Intermediate:

    • 95 Single-Unders

    • Dumbbell Weight: 35/20 lb

  • Beginner:

    • 48 Double-Unders or 95 Single-Unders

    • Dumbbell Weight: 20/10 lb

    • Modify burpees as needed for sustainability and safe movement.

Strategy & Tips:

  • Pacing: Engage in the workout with a sustainable speed from the onset, ensuring you reserve energy for the entirety of the rounds, especially considering the complexity of utilizing a single dumbbell throughout.

  • Transitioning: Fluidity between movements, especially transitioning from clean-and-presses to burpees, will aid in maintaining a steady heart rate and managing fatigue.

  • Burpee Technique: Given that burpees can be energetically draining, ensure that your form is efficient and that each movement is executed with intention to preserve energy.


This workout is not solely a physical challenge; it is also a tribute. As you navigate through each repetition and round, carry with you the spirit and resilience of the hero for whom this workout is named. Allow their story and sacrifice to drive your movements and fuel your perseverance.

Lieutenant Bradford Turner Clark, a fireman’s fireman and cherished husband and father, served Hanover Fire EMS Department with unparalleled dedication since 2005, influencing many with his ceaseless smile and mentorship. His unyielding devotion extended beyond his role and family, as he shaped firefighters nationwide through his training programs and played a pivotal role as a founding board member of the 350’Line, Inc. A U.S. Army veteran honored with numerous awards, Brad is celebrated for not only his service but his ultimate sacrifice, saving his crew with a critical warning in his tragic final call. Posthumously awarded the 2019 Ray Downey Courage and Valor Award, his heroic legacy endures, immortalizing his selfless ethos and boundless impact within and beyond the firefighting community.

Additional Notes:

  • Warm-Up: Engage in a thorough warm-up, utilizing dynamic stretches, and light cardio, such as a brief row or jump roping. Incorporate lighter dumbbell work to prepare your muscles for the clean-and-presses and lunges.

  • Cool-Down: Ensure a comprehensive cool-down, incorporating stretching and perhaps a light walk or row to bring your heart rate down gradually. Focus particularly on stretching the shoulders, legs, and lower back.

  • Hydration: Adequate hydration is pivotal. Sip on water throughout the workout and ensure you are replenishing fluids post-workout as well.

  • Reflection: Throughout the workout, channel the essence of memorialization and honor, connecting with the ethos behind each repetition and every bead of sweat.

  • Community: Encourage your fellow athletes, uphold an uplifting and supportive environment, and collectively embrace both the physical and emotional gravity of the workout.