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sySTM Fitness WOD: 5.22.24

"Peer Pressure" is a collaborative, time-based workout designed to challenge your strength, endurance, and mental toughness through a combination of isometric holds and dynamic movements. Partner up and prepare to push each other to new limits as you work together to complete a series of physically demanding tasks. This workout requires coordination, teamwork, and a relentless drive to achieve your best time.

For Time:

Part 1:

  • Isometric: Handstand Hold on Wall

  • Work: 100 Push-Ups as a Team, 300 Double Unders or 600 Single Unders as a Team

Rest 5 minutes.

Part 2:

  • Isometric: High Plank Hold

  • Work: 100 Push-Ups as a Team, 1500m Row as a Team

Rest 5 minutes.

Part 3:

  • Isometric: Dead Hang Hold

  • Work: 100 Push-Ups as a Team, Run 1 Mile as a Team

Score: Total Time on a Rolling Clock (Rest included)

Workout Structure:

  • One partner holds the isometric position while the other partner works.

  • You may switch at any time and change exercises at any time within each part.

Performance Goals:

  • Beginner: Complete in 45 minutes

  • Intermediate: Complete in 40 minutes

  • Advanced: Complete in 35 minutes

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Efficient Switching: Communicate with your partner to switch positions strategically, minimizing downtime and maximizing work output.

  • Pacing Push-Ups: Break the push-ups into manageable sets to avoid early fatigue. Aim for consistent pacing across all sets.

  • Smooth Transitions: Move quickly and efficiently between exercises and isometric holds to maintain a steady pace throughout the workout.

Coach’s Tips:

  • Form First: Prioritize proper form in both the isometric holds and dynamic movements to prevent injury and ensure maximum benefit.

  • Isometric Stability: Focus on maintaining stability and proper alignment during isometric holds to engage the correct muscle groups effectively.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever