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sySTM Fitness WOD 1.10.24

“Sync or Swim”

Gear up for a synchronized test of strength, endurance, and teamwork in this dynamic partner workout. You and your partner will move in unison through a series of challenging exercises, divided into two distinct segments with a rest period in between. The key to success in this workout is seamless coordination and consistent pacing, making it not just a physical challenge but also a test of communication and teamwork.

With a Partner, complete the following workout on a running clock:

10-8-6-4-2 Reps

  • Synchro Dumbbell Thrusters (40/30#)

  • Synchro Hand Release Push Ups

  • Synchro Toes to Bar

Rest 4 minutes.

10-8-6-4-2 Reps

  • Synchro Russian KB Swings (20/14kg)

  • Synchro Burpees

  • Synchro Pull Ups

Score: Total time, including rest.

Strategy, Execution, & Pacing:

  1. First Segment (10-8-6-4-2 Reps of Synchro Movements):

    • Dumbbell Thrusters:

      • Strategy: Choose a weight that both partners can manage for multiple reps.

      • Execution: Focus on a full squat and a strong press overhead. Keep the dumbbells in line with your shoulders.

      • Pacing: Start steady, allowing room to increase intensity in later rounds.

    • Hand Release Push-Ups:

      • Strategy: Maintain a tight core and straight body line.

      • Execution: Ensure full hand release at the bottom and full extension at the top.

      • Pacing: Consistent and controlled, avoid rushing to maintain synchronization.

    • Toes to Bar:

      • Strategy: If one partner struggles, break into smaller sets.

      • Execution: Use a kipping motion for efficiency, keeping swings synchronized.

      • Pacing: Steady rhythm, aiming for unbroken sets where possible.

  2. Rest Period (4 minutes):

    • Use this time to catch your breath, hydrate, and strategize for the next segment.

  3. Second Segment (10-8-6-4-2 Reps of Synchro Movements):

    • Russian KB Swings:

      • Strategy: Choose a kettlebell weight that is manageable for both.

      • Execution: Focus on hip drive and maintaining a straight arm swing.

      • Pacing: Find a rhythm that both partners can maintain.

    • Synchro Burpees:

      • Strategy: Work at a pace that allows for minimal rest.

      • Execution: Chest to floor, then a small jump with a clap overhead.

      • Pacing: Steady and synchronized, manage fatigue.

    • Pull-Ups:

      • Strategy: If pull-ups are a challenge, consider breaking into smaller sets.

      • Execution: Full arm extension at the bottom, chin over the bar at the top.

      • Pacing: Controlled and consistent, focus on staying in sync.

Overall Tips:

  • Communication is key. Constantly communicate with your partner to maintain sync and adjust strategy as needed.

  • Transition smoothly and efficiently between exercises to save time.

  • Encourage each other, especially when fatigue sets in.

  • Keep track of the time, but focus more on moving well and staying synchronized.

Remember, this workout is as much about teamwork and coordination as it is about physical strength and endurance. Work together, push each other, and enjoy the challenge!