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sySTM Fitness WOD: 8.23.23

“Three’s Company”

Workout Description:

As a team of 3, complete the following reps, treating each exercise as its own station. Team members may work simultaneously at different stations, but not at the same station until there are 3 or fewer stations remaining.

  • 200cal Row

  • 200 Burpees

  • 200 Alternating DB Snatch (40# Men/30# Women)

  • 200 DB Box Step Overs (25# Men/15# Women - 20” Box for Both)

  • 200 Slam Ball Butterfly Sit-Ups (20# Men/15# Women)

Timing Structure: Beginning at 0:00, athletes will work for 90 seconds. At the 90-second mark, athletes will rest for 30 seconds. During the rest window, you may either resume the same station or move to a new exercise/station. Repeat this process Every 2 Minutes On the Minute (E2MOM).

Scaling Options:

  1. Rx (Prescribed)

    • As described above.

  2. Intermediate

    • Reduce the weights (e.g., DB Snatch: 30/20#, Box Step Overs: 20/10#, Butterfly Sit-Ups: 15/10#).

    • Consider reducing reps to 150 for each movement.

  3. Beginner

    • Further reduce the weights and reps (e.g., DB Snatch: 20/15#, Box Step Overs: 15/10#, Butterfly Sit-Ups: 10/5#, 100 reps for each movement).

Strategy & Tips:

  • Communication: A strong plan and ongoing communication among teammates will ensure smooth transitions and efficient work at each station.

  • Pacing: With the 90-second work and 30-second rest structure, pacing is crucial. Go hard but not to failure in each work interval, and be mindful of how your work at one station affects your performance at others.

  • Transitions: Efficient transitions between stations will save precious seconds and allow more work to be done.

  • Division of Labor: Play to each team member's strengths. If one athlete excels at rowing and another at burpees, have them focus on those areas initially.

  • Stay Engaged During Rest: The 30-second rest is your opportunity to reposition and prepare for the next interval. Stay focused and ready to jump right back in.

Additional Notes:

  • A thorough warm-up should include rowing, dynamic stretching, and some lighter versions of the other movements.

  • Make sure to cool down and stretch afterward, focusing on areas that were particularly taxed during the workout.

  • Encourage and support your teammates throughout, as the group dynamic is what makes this workout truly special.

  • Most of all, enjoy the challenge, the teamwork, and the journey. Push each other and celebrate your collective success!