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sySTM Fitness WOD: 7.10.24

“Squad Sync Up” is a high-energy, team-based workout designed to test your synchronization, stamina, and skill. This 20-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) challenges you and your partner to stay in sync and push your limits together. Perfect for athletes looking to enhance their teamwork, this workout incorporates three demanding movements that will elevate your heart rate and test your coordination. (Recommended team size: 2-4 athletes)

Equipment Needed: Pull-up bar, Kettlebells (24/16kg), Jump ropes

20min AMRAP:

  • 20x Synchro Toes to Bar

  • 40x Synchro Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

  • 60x Synchro Double Unders

Scoring: Total number of rounds completed within 20 minutes.

Performance Goals:

  • Beginner: 5+ Rounds

  • Intermediate: 6+ Rounds

  • Advanced: 7+ Rounds

  • Elite: 8+ Rounds

Scaling Options:

  • Toes to Bar: Hanging Leg Raise

  • Russian Kettlebell Swings: Lighter kettlebell

  • Double Unders: Single Unders

Strategy & Pacing:

Workout Goals: Maintain synchronization and efficient transitions. This workout emphasizes teamwork, so communicate effectively with your partner to keep moving smoothly.

Pacing Tips:

  • Rest Periods: Plan quick rest breaks if needed, ensuring both partners are ready to resume together.

  • Unbroken Sets: Aim to complete movements in unbroken sets to maintain a steady pace. If needed, break the reps strategically, ensuring both partners synchronize their rest periods.

  • Transitions: Set up your equipment in close proximity to minimize transition time. Keep moving quickly but smoothly between exercises.

Coach’s Notes:

  • Toes to Bar: Focus on maintaining a strong kip and tight core. Ensure both partners reach the bar at the same time for synchro reps.

  • Russian KB Swings: Use your hips to drive the kettlebell to eye level. Keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the movement.

  • Double Unders: Find a rhythm and stay relaxed. Keep the jump rope handles close to your body and wrists loose for efficient turns.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever