Sweet Potato Soup

Servings: 4

Per Serving:

Calories: 178

Protein: 8g Carbohydrates: 29g Fat: 3g

Fiber: 4g Sugar: 7g Sodium: 121mg


  • 6 Large Sweet Potatoes (Peeled & Chopped)

  • 1 Large Onion (Peeled & Chopped)

  • 3 Stalks Celery (Chopped)

  • 2 Teaspoons Poultry Seasoning

  • 4 Cups Low-Sodium Chicken Broth

  • 2 Cups Milk


  1. Add sweet potatoes, onion, celery, and poultry seasoning to a large pot. Add broth and top off with water until vegetables are just covered.

  2. Bring to a boil over high heat. REduce heat to medium-low and simmer 10-15 minutes until vegetables are tender.

  3. Remove from heat, then transfer soup to a blender and process until smooth (or use a handheld blender). Return soup to pot and stir in milk. Heat over medium-low heat for 5 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe Credit: The Everything Macro Diet Cookbook by Tina Haupert


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