sySTM Fitness WOD: 5.29.24

“Push, Pull, Carry” is designed to challenge your cardiovascular endurance, grip strength, and willpower. It’s a great training option for fitness races such as Hyrox and more. The key to success in this WOD is knowing when to time your rests and when to go unbroken. Have you kept up with your cardio? We’ll find out.

Equipment Needed: Access to a track or treadmill, dumbbells, and a sled with weights.

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 1000m Run

  • 100m DB Farmer's Carry (40/30#)

  • 50m Sled Push (250/150#)

  • 50m Sled Pull (250/150#)

Performance Goals:

  • Beginner: 50 minutes

  • Intermediate: 45 minutes

  • Advanced: 40 minutes

  • Elite: 35 minutes


  • Beginner:

    • 600m Run

    • 30/20# DB

    • 150/50# Sled

  • Intermediate:

    • 800m Run

    • 35/25# DB

    • 200/100# Sled

Strategy & Pacing

  • Workout Goals: This workout challenges your aerobic capacity and lactate threshold. Athletes who pace well, manage lactate buildup, and time their recovery effectively will succeed. The farmer's carry, sled push, and sled pull will tax all major muscles and affect running mechanics. Efficient running will enable faster transitions between exercises.

  • Pacing Tips:

    • Rest Periods: Take short, strategic breaks as needed, especially after the sled push and pull. Keep rest periods to a minimum to maintain your pace.

    • Unbroken Sets: Aim to complete each exercise without stopping. Choose a strong, but steady pace that allows you to keep moving. Stopping and starting an exercise is mentally challenging, so aim to keep your breaks between movements.

    • Transitions: Move efficiently between exercises. Set up your equipment strategically to minimize transition time and keep moving seamlessly.

Coach’s Notes

  • Running: If you are a confident runner, use this time to push the pace. If running is not your favorite, slow the pace down and use this time to recover before attacking the strength movements.

  • DB Farmer's Carry: Keep your core engaged, shoulders back, and walk with a controlled, steady pace. Take short, quick steps to keep your center of gravity stable.

  • Sled Push: Use a low, powerful stance. Drive through your legs and keep your core tight to push effectively. You can choose to extend the arms and lock out the elbows or brace the sled against the shoulders/collarbone. Bracing against the shoulders can preserve energy by resting the triceps.

  • Sled Pull: Utilize your entire body, especially your legs and core, to pull the sled efficiently. Maintain a strong, consistent pull. Stay low, and breathe often.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.5.24


Memorial Day WOD: “21 Guns”