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What’s the Hype About Habit Stacking?

Developing healthy habits is essential if you're looking to achieve a health or fitness goal. However, creating new habits can be challenging, especially if you're unsure where to start. That's where habit stacking comes in.

Popularized by James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits,” habit stacking involves "stacking" a new habit on top of an existing one, making it easier to form and maintain. By piggybacking on existing practices, you can create a new routine that is easier to follow and more likely to stick.

Think of it like building a tower of blocks. The base represents your existing habits, and the new habit you want to create is the block on top. By stacking the new habit on top of the existing ones, you make a stable foundation more likely to withstand the test of time.

For example, say you want to drink more water throughout the day. You could stack this habit on top of an existing habit or behavior, such as your morning coffee routine. Every time you pour yourself a cup of coffee, you can immediately make it a habit to follow it with a glass of water. Over time, this new habit will become second nature, and you'll drink more water without thinking about it. Want to master your push ups? Do 10 reps every time you get up from your work desk. Working on your mobility? Try stretching or foam rolling during commercial breaks or between episodes while watching your favorite show.

Habit stacking is particularly effective because it helps you create a domino effect of positive habits. Each new habit you stack on top of an existing one becomes another building block in your tower of healthy habits, making achieving your health and fitness goals easier.

Using habit stacking, you can easily incorporate new healthy habits into your daily routine without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It's a simple and effective way to progress toward your health and fitness goals without relying solely on motivation or willpower. With some planning and creativity, you can stack habits together to create a lifestyle that supports your goals and helps you become the healthiest version of yourself. So, start small, be consistent, and watch your healthy habits stack up into lasting change.