21 Guns

21-Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible):

400-meter Run

21 Push-Ups

21 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

15 Burpees

9 Pull-Ups


Intermediate: Incline Push Ups - Reduce Box Jump Height - Banded Pull Ups

Beginner: Kneeling Push Ups- Box Step Ups - Inverted Row


The "21 Guns" workout is a test of endurance and mental fortitude. Pace yourself throughout the workout to maintain a consistent effort over the 21-minute time frame. Here are some strategies for each exercise:

  • 400-meter Run: Push your pace but avoid starting too fast. Aim to maintain a steady and sustainable running speed.

  • Push-Ups: Break them up into manageable sets from the beginning to avoid burnout. Consider modifying to knee push-ups if needed.

  • Box Jumps: Focus on a smooth and efficient jump, landing softly with proper technique. Step down instead of jumping down to reduce impact.

  • Burpees: Break them up into smaller sets if necessary. Keep a steady rhythm and focus on maintaining good form throughout.

  • Pull-Ups: Break them up strategically to avoid grip fatigue. Consider modifying to banded or jumping pull-ups if pull-ups are challenging.


The "21 Guns" WOD is a functional fitness tribute workout designed for the "WOD With Warriors" event, which takes place twice a year on Veterans Day and Memorial Day in the United States. The purpose of this workout is to honor and pay tribute to the nation's warriors, past, present, and future.

The workout's structure and repetitions symbolize a 21-gun salute, a traditional military honor rendered at funerals and memorial services. Each exercise represents one of the five branches of the military. The 21-minute duration of the workout is also significant, as it represents the 21-gun salute, the highest display of honor in the United States, reserved for fallen troops on Memorial Day.


Triple Threat

