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Workout Description:

Complete the following reps for time:

  • 50-40-30-20-10 Reps

    • Wall Ball Shots

    • Box Jumps

    • Kettlebell Swings

Scaling Options:

  1. Rx (Prescribed)

    • Wall Ball Shots: 20 lb for men, 14 lb for women

    • Box Jumps: 24 inches for men, 20 inches for women

    • Kettlebell Swings: 1.5 pood (approx. 54 lb) for men, 1 pood (approx. 36 lb) for women

  2. Intermediate

    • Wall Ball Shots: 14 lb for men, 10 lb for women

    • Box Jumps: 20 inches for both men and women

    • Kettlebell Swings: 1 pood (approx. 36 lb) for men, 0.75 pood (approx. 27 lb) for women

  3. Beginner

    • Wall Ball Shots: 10 lb for men, 8 lb for women

    • Box Step-Ups (instead of jumps): 20 inches for both men and women

    • Kettlebell Swings: 0.75 pood (approx. 27 lb) for men, 0.5 pood (approx. 18 lb) for women

Strategy & Tips:

  • Pacing: This workout is a descending rep scheme which mentally feels like it gets 'easier' as you go. However, the initial rounds have a high volume. It's essential to start at a sustainable pace and try to maintain that pace throughout.

  • Wall Ball Shots: Choose a weight that allows you to complete each round in 2-3 sets maximum. Keep your chest up and use your legs to drive the ball upwards. Remember to catch the ball in a squat position to maintain momentum for the next rep.

  • Box Jumps: Stay light on your feet and use your arms for momentum. If you're efficient with rebounding (jumping back up immediately after landing), it can save a lot of time. However, ensure you stand tall at the top for each rep to count.

  • Kettlebell Swings: Ensure a firm grip and a tight core. Use the power from your hips to drive the kettlebell upward rather than relying solely on your arms. Try to keep a consistent rhythm, breaking into manageable sets if needed.

  • Breathing: Establish a breathing rhythm early on and stick to it. This will help you manage your fatigue and avoid unnecessary breaks.

Background & Tribute:

U.S. Army Specialist Scott Morrison, 23, of Blue Ash, Ohio, bravely served with the 584th Mobility Augmentation Company, 20th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Brigade, stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. On September 26, 2010, he tragically lost his life due to injuries sustained from an insurgent attack in Kandahar, Afghanistan, involving an improvised explosive device a day earlier. We honor his service and remember his sacrifice through this workout. Specialist Morrison is survived by his father Donald, mother Susan, brother Gary, and sister Katie.

Additional Notes:

  • Always ensure safety first. Be conscious of your surroundings, especially when fatigued.

  • Warm up thoroughly before attempting this or any high-intensity workout.

  • Post-workout, take a few minutes to stretch, hydrate, and reflect on the purpose of the Hero WODs – honoring those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

Good luck to all athletes attempting "Morrison" – give it your all and remember the hero behind the name.