sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.3.24

"Burpee Furnace" is an incendiary workout designed to push your cardiovascular and metabolic thresholds to the limit. Each round of this 10-round EMOM consists of a quick set of 5 burpees followed by a max-effort calorie burn on your chosen cardio machine. This workout is engineered to keep your heart rate elevated, combining the explosive power of burpees with the sustained intensity of aerobic exercise. It's a test of both physical and mental endurance, demanding consistent performance and resilience. As you navigate through the rounds, you'll stoke the fires of your metabolic engine, burning calories at a high rate and building cardiovascular stamina that translates into improved overall fitness.

10 Rounds, EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

  • At the start of each minute:

    • 5 Burpees

  • In remaining time:

    • Max Calorie Cardio (Treadmill, Rower, Ski Erg, or Air Bike)

Performance Goals:

  • Score: Total calories burned across the 10 rounds.

  • Beginner: 60+ calories

  • Intermediate: 80+ calories

  • Advanced: 100+ calories

  • Aim to maintain a consistent number of calories each round, pushing for maximal effort without burning out early.

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Efficient Burpees: Execute burpees quickly and efficiently to maximize the time remaining for the cardio machine.

  • Sustained Intensity: Balance your effort across the 10 rounds to maintain a high level of calorie output throughout the workout.

Coach’s Tips:

  • Transition Speed: Minimize transition time by performing burpees next to your chosen cardio machine.

  • Recovery Management: Use the first few seconds after completing burpees to catch your breath before going all out on the cardio machine.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.10.24


Core Kilimanjaro