sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.10.24

This workout is a high-energy partner workout designed to build synergy and endurance. Over the course of two 6-minute AMRAP sessions, partners will perform synchronized wall balls and alternating dumbbell snatches, challenging their coordination and stamina. This workout not only tests physical strength, but also requires partners to move in unison, creating a dynamic and collaborative fitness experience.

  • 6min AMRAP

    • 12 Synchronized Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)

    • 12 Synchronized Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (40/30 lbs)

  • Rest 3 minutes.

  • Repeat the 6 minute AMARAP.

  • Score: Total number of rounds and additional reps completed across both AMRAPs.

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Coordination is Key: Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. It is crucial to pick a pace that is rhythmic for both athletes.

  • Quick Transitions: Keep your dumbbells near your wall ball stations to minimize time between exercises.

Coach’s Tips:

  • Focus on Form: Prioritize maintaining good form in both exercises to prevent fatigue and injury.

  • Encourage Each Other: Motivate and push each other to keep the intensity high and the energy flowing until the last second.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.17.24


sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.3.24