sySTM Fitness WOD: 8.7.24

“Flow State” is designed to help you build technique, grace, and fluidity in your kettlebell training. This workout focuses on a series of movements that flow seamlessly into one another, challenging your coordination and control. The goal is not speed or aggression but to move smoothly and continuously through each exercise with perfect form.

Equipment Needed: Two Kettlebells

6min AMRAP. 6min Rest. 6min AMRAP.

Flow Sequence:

  1. Dual KB Clean (from the floor)

  2. Dual KB Front Squat

  3. Dual KB Russian Swing

  4. Dual KB Hang Clean

  5. Dual KB Squat Thruster

  6. Dual KB Gorilla Row (one rep each arm)

Complete the flow continuously without breaking. Rest between flow cycles (rounds) as needed. See if you can complete more rounds of the flow in the second AMRAP without sacrificing movement quality or form.

Flow Strategy:

  • Smooth Transitions: Focus on transitioning seamlessly from one movement to the next. The aim is to maintain a continuous flow without pausing or breaking form.

  • Controlled Breathing: Maintain steady breathing throughout the flow. Exhale during exertion phases (e.g., the push in a squat thruster) and inhale during preparatory phases (e.g., lowering into a squat).

  • Mind-Muscle Connection: Engage the appropriate muscles for each movement and stay mindful of your body’s alignment and control.

Movement Flow Tips:

  • Dual KB Clean (from the floor): Start with kettlebells on the floor. Use a powerful hip drive to clean the kettlebells to the front rack position. Transition smoothly into the front squat.

  • Dual KB Front Squat: From the front rack position, squat down keeping your chest up and core engaged. Drive through your heels to stand back up and smoothly move into the Russian swing.

  • Dual KB Russian Swing: Release the kettlebells as you hinge at the hips, then swing the kettlebells to chest height. At the top of the swing, prepare to transition into the hang clean.

  • Dual KB Hang Clean: Return to the bottom of the hinge/swing, then use a powerful hip drive to clean the kettlebells back to the front rack position. Get ready to drop into the squat thruster.

  • Dual KB Squat Thruster: Perform a front squat and as you stand up, use the momentum to press the kettlebells overhead in one fluid motion. Bring the kettlebells back to the front rack position and then to the floor to prepare for the gorilla row.

  • Dual KB Gorilla Row: With a slight bend in your knees and hinge at the hips, row one kettlebell at a time to your side. Focus on keeping your core tight and back straight. At this point - take a rest break or prepare to begin the flow again with a kettlebell clean.

Coach’s Notes:

  • Pacing: This workout is about maintaining a steady, controlled pace. Do not rush through the movements. Focus on technique and quality over quantity.

  • Rest: Take the full 6 minutes of rest seriously. Use this time to hydrate, recover, and mentally prepare for the next round.

  • Form: Keep your movements precise and controlled. Quality form is crucial to avoid injury and maximize the effectiveness of the workout.

  • Progression: As you become more comfortable with the flow, you can gradually increase the weight of the kettlebells to continue challenging your muscles and improving your technique.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


Patriot Day (9/11 Tribute) WOD


sySTM Fitness WOD: 7.31.24