sySTM Fitness WOD: 7.31.24

“Midsection Meltdown” is designed to target and strengthen your entire core through a series of challenging exercises. This workout utilizes dumbbells to progressively overload your abdominal muscles, ensuring you build strength and endurance over time. Focus on controlled movements and proper form to get the most out of each exercise.

Equipment Needed: Dumbbell(s)

Circuit 1: 3 Rounds

  • 15x DB Press Sit Ups

  • 15/side DB Russian Twists

  • 30sec/side DB Suitcase Carry

Circuit 2: 3 Rounds

  • 15x DB Supine Leg Raises

  • 15/side DB Windshield Wipers

  • 30sec/side Single Arm DB Front Rack Carry

Circuit 3: 3 Rounds

  • 15x DB Supermans

  • 15/side DB Standing Windmills

  • 30sec/side Single Arm DB Overhead Carry

Rest as needed between rounds and circuits.


DB Press Sit Ups:

  • Execution: Perform a sit-up while pressing a dumbbell overhead.

  • Focus: Engage your abs and hip flexors. Keep your feet anchored.

DB Russian Twists:

  • Execution: Rotate your torso side to side with a dumbbell.

  • Focus: Target your obliques. Keep your back straight.

DB Suitcase Carry:

  • Execution: Walk holding a dumbbell in one hand.

  • Focus: Engage your core and obliques. Maintain an upright posture.

DB Supine Leg Raises:

  • Execution: Raise and lower your legs while lying on your back with a dumbbell overhead.

  • Focus: Target your lower abs. Keep your lower back pressed into the floor.

DB Windshield Wipers:

  • Execution: Rotate your legs side to side with a dumbbell in each hand.

  • Focus: Engage your obliques and lower abs. Control the movement.

Single Arm DB Front Rack Carry:

  • Execution: Walk holding a dumbbell in a front rack position.

  • Focus: Engage your core, shoulders, and upper back. Maintain an upright posture.

DB Supermans:

  • Execution: Lift your arms and legs off the ground while lying face down with dumbbells.

  • Focus: Target your lower back and glutes. Lift with control.

DB Standing Windmills:

  • Execution: Hinge at the hips, reaching towards the ground with one hand while holding a dumbbell overhead.

  • Focus: Engage your obliques and hamstrings. Keep your core tight.

Single Arm DB Overhead Carry:

  • Execution: Walk holding a dumbbell overhead.

  • Focus: Engage your core, shoulders, and upper back. Maintain an upright posture.

Coach’s Notes:

Form Over Speed: Prioritize proper form and controlled movements over speed. This ensures maximum muscle engagement and reduces the risk of injury.

Progressive Overload: As your strength improves, progressively increase the weights you use during core work to continue challenging your muscles.

Breathing: Maintain steady breathing throughout each exercise. Exhale during the exertion phase and inhale during the relaxation phase.

Recovery: Rest as needed between rounds and circuits to ensure quality performance and prevent fatigue.

Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on engaging the targeted muscles during each exercise to maximize the effectiveness of the workout.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 8.7.24


sySTM Fitness WOD: 7.24.24