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“Cinco de Plyo”

"Cinco de Plyo" is a high-intensity workout designed to boost your explosive power and endurance through plyometric exercises. In two 5-minute AMRAP sets, you'll tackle clapping push-ups, ring rows, box jumps, triceps dips, chest to bar pull-ups, and skater lunges. This session challenges both your physical and mental grit, demanding quick, explosive movements that enhance muscular strength and cardiovascular stamina. Perfect for those looking to elevate their athletic performance, "Cinco de Plyo" combines the festive spirit of Cinco de Mayo with a rigorous fitness challenge.

5min AMRAP:

  • 5x Clapping Push-Ups

  • 5x Ring Rows

  • 5x Box Jumps

Rest for 5 minutes

5min AMRAP:

  • 5 Triceps Dips

  • 5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

  • 10 Skater Lunges

Score: Total Rounds + Reps


  • Beginner: 4 rounds/AMRAP

  • Intermediate: 5 Rounds/AMRAP

  • Advanced: 6 Rounds/AMRAP

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Maintain Intensity: Push for speed and power in each exercise, but pace yourself to avoid burnout before the 5 minutes are up.

  • Controlled Explosiveness: Focus on explosive movements, especially in clapping push-ups and box jumps, to maximize plyometric benefits.

  • Smooth Transitions: Minimize rest between exercises to keep the heart rate up and maximize the workout's intensity.

Coach’s Tips:

  • Form First: Prioritize form to prevent injury and ensure the effectiveness of each exercise. Don't sacrifice technique for speed.

  • Plyometric Power: Use the plyometric exercises to improve your explosive strength, ensuring you get maximum lift and power with each rep.

  • Breath Control: Maintain controlled breathing throughout, especially during the more complex movements like chest to bar pull-ups and skater lunges.

  • Stay Motivated: Keep pushing through the fatigue, reminding yourself that each round is only 5 minutes. Dig deep to find that extra energy.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever