Holiday WOD, Individual Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, Individual Stan Muckerman

“Stars & Stripes”

“Stars & Stripes” is a patriotic workout designed to celebrate Independence Day. This 13-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) embodies the spirit of July 4th, pushing you to test your endurance, strength, and coordination. With challenging movements that target multiple energy systems, this workout will have you breathing hard and pushing through muscle fatigue. Embrace the challenge and honor the red, white, and blue with sweat and determination!

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

Memorial Day WOD: “21 Guns”

"21 Guns" is an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout designed to honor our nation's warriors, past, present, and future. Created for “WOD With Warriors,” this functional fitness tribute is held twice a year on Veterans Day and Memorial Day in the U.S. The workout's duration and repetition scheme are symbolic of a 21-gun salute, the highest display of honor reserved for fallen troops. Each exercise represents one of the five branches of the military, making "21 Guns" a meaningful and challenging tribute to those who have served.

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

“Cinco de Plyo”

"Cinco de Plyo" is a high-intensity workout designed to boost your explosive power and endurance through plyometric exercises. In two 5-minute AMRAP sets, you'll tackle clapping push-ups, ring rows, box jumps, triceps dips, chest to bar pull-ups, and skater lunges. This session challenges both your physical and mental grit, demanding quick, explosive movements that enhance muscular strength and cardiovascular stamina. Perfect for those looking to elevate their athletic performance, "Cinco de Plyo" combines the festive spirit of Cinco de Mayo with a rigorous fitness challenge.

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Holiday WOD, Team Workout Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, Team Workout Stan Muckerman

Four-Leaf Fitness Frenzy

"The Four-Leaf Fitness Frenzy" is a St. Patrick’s Day-themed team workout designed for groups of four. This workout begins and concludes with a 1600m team run, representing the four leaves of a clover, a symbol of good fortune. Between the runs, teams tackle various fitness stations, each presenting a unique challenge. The workout highlights teamwork, endurance, and strength, making it an ideal way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with camaraderie and fitness.

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Holiday WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

Sweetheart Sweat Sesh

"Sweetheart Sweat Sesh" is a Valentine's Day-themed partner workout designed to test and enhance teamwork, endurance, and strength. This session combines cardio with strength exercises, requiring partners to work together and support each other throughout the workout. It's an excellent way for couples or friends to challenge themselves and bond over fitness.

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman


This WOD is a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr., an American hero who dedicated his life to advancing civil rights through nonviolent means. Each part of the workout is meticulously designed to reflect significant milestones in King's life and the civil rights movement, turning your physical exertion into a journey through history.

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Holiday WOD, sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 12.27.23

Embrace the countdown to the new year with this exhilarating workout! Begin by conquering a 2023-meter row. Then, unleash your determination as you tackle kettlebell swings, burpees, and box step overs. Finally, welcome 2024 with a 2024-meter row. Your score? The time on the clock when you complete that triumphant final row. Let's usher in the new year with strength and style!

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

12 Days of sySTM Fitness

Day 1 - Beginner: Inchworm / Advanced: Wall Walk (1 Rep)

Day 2 - Beginner: Inverted Row / Advanced: Pull Up (2 Reps)

Day 3 - Beginner: Jump Squat / Advanced: Box Jump (3 Reps)

Day 4 - Beginner: DB Glute Bridge / Advanced: DB Hip Thrust (4 Reps)

Day 5 - Beginner: Up Down / Advanced: Burpee (5 Reps)

Day 6 - Beginner: Russian Twist / Advanced: DB Russian Twist (6 Reps)

Day 7 - Beginner: KB Deadlift / Advanced: Russian KB Swing (7 Reps)

Day 8 - Beginner: Bench Dips / Advanced: Ring Dips (8 Reps)

Day 9 - Beginner: Sit Up / Advanced: DB Press Sit Up (9 Reps)

Day 10 - Beginner: Alt. DB Clean / Advanced: Alt. DB Snatch (10 Reps)

Day 11 - Beginner: Kneeling Push Ups / Advanced: Push Ups (11 Reps)

Day 12 - Beginner: Alternating Lunges / Advanced: Walking Lunges (12 Reps)

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

Burn the Bird

Gear up for "Burn the Bird," an exhilarating and multifaceted workout designed to push your limits like never before. This challenging routine spans various stages, including clean-and-jerks, intense cardio on the bike and rower, and bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and burpees. With built-in rest periods to help you recharge, this workout is a perfect blend of endurance, strength, and agility training. Join us to test your mental and physical prowess and emerge stronger and more resilient. Get ready to sweat, surpass your boundaries, and 'burn the bird' with us!

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Holiday WOD, Hero WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, Hero WOD Stan Muckerman

“Thanksgiving with the Heroes”

This high-intensity, multi-stage challenge is designed to test your endurance, strength, and agility. Starting at Murph's House and moving through Rankel's, Bradshaw’s, Holleyman's, and more - each segment pushes you with a unique blend of exercises. Suitable for athletes of all levels, we offer scaled versions to accommodate beginners and intermediate fitness enthusiasts. Conquer each house with determination and see how quickly you can complete this exhilarating, full-body workout.

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

“Thanksgiving with the Girls”

Embrace the holiday spirit with a festive twist on some classic WODs by joining some of CrossFit's most beloved ladies. "Thanksgiving with the Girls" invites you to a dynamic and exhilarating workout party where you'll visit Angie, Helen, Fran, Nancy, Grace & Isabel, Kelly. This fast-paced, full-bodied workout is the perfect appetizer to your Thanksgiving dinner, guaranteeing you'll earn every bite of your feast. Come for the sweat, stay for the smiles, and let's give thanks for strength, stamina, and the joy of community!

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

“Dead Man Walking”

Welcome to the "Dead Man Walking" WOD - a thrillingly spooky way to break a sweat this Halloween! Prepare to conquer 10 haunting rounds against a ticking 31-minute clock, battling through 6 Barbell Deadlifts, 9 Dual Dumbbell Devil’s Presses, and 12 Dual Dumbbell “Walking Dead” Lunges. Navigate the graveyard of reps with smart pacing, ensuring each lift and lunge is a step towards victory, not an early grave! Whether you’re a beginner witch or a wizard with the weights, we've got scaling options to ensure everyone has a ghastly good time. Let's raise the dead, pump some iron, and remember: the only thing scarier than this workout is skipping it!

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

Team 1776

Get ready to ignite your 4th of July celebration with the Team 1776 Workout! In a team of three, you'll tackle a series of exercises designed to push your limits and create a strong sense of camaraderie. The goal is to complete a total of 1776 reps involving various movements in any order, testing your strength, endurance, and teamwork. This workout is all about cooperation, communication, and celebrating America's birthday in a fun and challenging way.

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Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

Juneteenth WOD

For Time:

Buy-In: 65 second Moment of Silence

Then, 6 Rounds of:

400 meter Weighted Run (35/25 lb)

19 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (35/25lbs x2)

18 Devil Presses (35/25lbs x2)

65 Russian Twists (35/25 lbs)

With a running clock, perform 6 rounds of the work in the order written as fast as possible (“For Time“). Before starting the workout, complete the buy-in of 65 seconds moment of silence.

Score is the time on the clock when the last round of Russian Twists is completed.

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