sySTM Fitness WOD: 1.24.24

"The Complex Cardio Complex" is a challenging, time-capped workout designed for both endurance and skill. This workout, formatted as a descending chipper, involves a combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises with increasing complexity as the workout progresses. The objective is to complete the sequence as quickly as possible, moving from higher volume, less technical movements to lower volume, more technical movements.

Rx Version: For Time (35/25# DB)

30cal Row
30total Single Arm DB Overhead Reverse Lunges
30x Ring Dips

20cal Air Bike
20total 1-DB Box Step Ups
20total Alternating DB Snatch

10x Burpee Box Jump Overs
10total Pistol Squats
10x Handstand Push Ups

Scaled Version: For Time (25/15# DB)

30cal Row
30total 1-DB Walking Lunges
30x Bench Dips

20cal Air Bike
20total 1-DB Box Step Ups
20total Alternating DB Snatch

10x Burpees
10x Alternating Cossack Squat
10x Pike Push Ups

Time Cap & Scoring

  • Time Cap: 12 Minutes

  • Scoring: Time recorded when the final Handstand Push-Up (Rx) or Pike Push Up (Scaled) is completed.

  • Performance Goals:

    • Beginner: 10-12 Minutes

    • Intermediate: 8-9 Minutes

    • Advanced: Less than 8 Minutes

Strategy & Pacing

  • Manageable Intensity: Approach the first set of movements at a steady pace to avoid early fatigue.

  • Cardiovascular Management: Be mindful of your heart rate during cardio elements, aiming to keep it elevated but controlled.

  • Tricep Conservation: Given the tricep-heavy nature of this WOD, pace the arm-intensive movements to prevent burnout.

  • Ascending Complexity: As the complexity of movements increases, focus more on technique, especially in the advanced movements like Pistol Squats and Handstand Push-Ups.

Coach’s Tips on Execution

  • Row and Bike Strategy: Use these movements as an opportunity to regulate breathing and prepare mentally for the next set.

  • Transition Efficiency: Minimize downtime between exercises to maximize workout time, especially under a strict time cap.

  • Form and Technique: Prioritize proper form in lunges, snatches, and squats to prevent injury and ensure effective muscle engagement.

  • End Strong: Push through the final round, especially in the high-skill movements, using remaining energy reserves for a strong finish.

Remember, "The Complex Cardio Complex" is designed to challenge your endurance, strength, and skill in a balanced manner. Focus on consistent pacing, efficient transitions, and proper form to maximize your performance in this comprehensive workout.


