sySTM Fitness WOD: 11.29.23

“Dynamic Duo”

Experience the power of synchronization with this intense and engaging workout. Designed to enhance coordination and teamwork, this routine involves pairs performing synchronized movements through a descending rep scheme. The workout challenges various muscle groups, ensuring a full-body workout with a focus on strength, endurance, and synchronization.


Synchro Dumbbell Thrusters
Synchro Hand Release Push Ups
Synchro Toes to Bar

Rest 4 minutes.

Synchro Russian Kettlebell Swings
Synchro Burpees
Synchro Pull Ups

Scaling Option(s)

  • Dumbbell Thrusters: Adjust the weight to a comfortable level.

  • Hand Release Push-Ups: Perform knee push-ups if needed.

  • Toes to Bar: Scale to knees-to-elbows or sit-ups.

  • Russian Kettlebell Swings: Use a lighter kettlebell.

  • Burpees: Perform step-back burpees for a lower impact.

  • Pull-Ups: Use band-assisted pull-ups or ring rows.

Intended Stimulus

  • Target Time: Aim to complete this workout in 20 minutes.

  • Time Cap: Consider a 30-minute time cap to maintain intensity.

  • Intended Stimulus: This workout is intended to improve teamwork and coordination while providing a challenging cardio and strength session.

Strategy & Pacing

  • Maintain a rhythm with your partner, ensuring synchronization in each movement.

  • Break up the sets into smaller, manageable chunks if needed, especially in higher reps.

  • Focus on maintaining consistent form and steady breathing throughout.

  • Use the transitions between exercises to communicate and plan with your partner.

Coach's Notes

This workout, focused on synchronized movements, not only tests your physical abilities but also enhances your ability to work in tandem with a partner. Communication and coordination are key to successfully navigating through the exercises. Remember to support and motivate each other, especially when the workout gets challenging. Let's synchronize our efforts and conquer this workout together!

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 12.6.23


Burn the Bird