sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.26.24

“HYROX Hustle” is a partner workout inspired by the HYROX race format, designed to test your endurance, strength, and teamwork. This workout is divided into two challenging parts with a mandatory rest in between. The combination of running, synchronized movements, and "You go, I go" intervals will push you and your partner to maintain a high level of intensity and coordination. With varied exercises that mimic the demands of HYROX events, this workout is perfect for athletes looking to improve their race performance and overall fitness.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.12.24

“Cardio Co-Op” is a partner workout tests your strength, endurance, and teamwork. You’ll need access to a SkiErg, rowing machine, air bike, and dumbbells. You and your partner will work through three cardio modalities, sharing the load to hit 100 calories on each machine. While one of you is on the cardio, the other holds dumbbells in a farmer's carry position. The catch? If the partner holding the dumbbells needs to set them down, the cardio stops. This workout will test your ability to communicate and support each other, pushing your limits in endurance and strength. Get ready to work hard and share the load with your partner to get through this challenge.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 5.22.24

"Peer Pressure" is a collaborative, time-based workout designed to challenge your strength, endurance, and mental toughness through a combination of isometric holds and dynamic movements. Partner up and prepare to push each other to new limits as you work together to complete a series of physically demanding tasks. This workout requires coordination, teamwork, and a relentless drive to achieve your best time.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.10.24

This workout is a high-energy partner workout designed to build synergy and endurance. Over the course of two 6-minute AMRAP sessions, partners will perform synchronized wall balls and alternating dumbbell snatches, challenging their coordination and stamina. This workout not only tests physical strength, but also requires partners to move in unison, creating a dynamic and collaborative fitness experience.

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Holiday WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

Sweetheart Sweat Sesh

"Sweetheart Sweat Sesh" is a Valentine's Day-themed partner workout designed to test and enhance teamwork, endurance, and strength. This session combines cardio with strength exercises, requiring partners to work together and support each other throughout the workout. It's an excellent way for couples or friends to challenge themselves and bond over fitness.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.7.24

The "Pair Up Throwdown" is a partner workout that combines cardiovascular endurance with strength training. The first segment of the workout is performed in a "You Go, I Go" fashion, including Russian Kettlebell Swings, Toes to Bar, and Wall Balls. After completing these movements, partners will have the remaining time to establish a 3-rep max for both the Back Squat and Deadlift. The workout not only tests cardiovascular endurance but also strength and power.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 11.29.23

Get ready to team up for "Dynamic Duo," a workout that takes synchronization and teamwork to the next level. This challenging routine features a series of synchronized exercises, including dumbbell thrusters, hand release push-ups, and kettlebell swings, all performed in perfect harmony with a partner. With a unique rep scheme that decreases as you progress, each set demands coordination, strength, and endurance. Join us for "Dynamic Duo" and experience the power of working together to conquer a workout that’s not just about individual strength, but about the strength of partnership.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 10.18.23

Get ready to dive into "Partner Pyramids,” where you and your buddy will tackle squats, push-ups, and toes to bar in a super fun, yet challenging pyramid format! One of you hits the reps while the other holds strong in an isometric pose, then you swap - teamwork makes the dream work, right? Let’s hit those highs and lows together, keep each other pumped, and remember: we’re not just getting fit, we’re building bonds that make us unstoppable.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.20.23

Unlock the true essence of teamwork with our partnered workout, "Synergy." Engage in a collaborative session where you and your partner navigate through synchronized runs, Hang Cleans, Squat Thrusters, and Burpees, moving not as individuals, but as a cohesive unit. Through a rich blend of cardio and resistance training, "Synergy" champions unified movements and a shared rhythmic connection. Unveil the detailed strategy, tips, and scalable variations by exploring the full workout guide, and let's create a powerful synergy together.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 8.16.23

“Tag Team 300”

For Time in Teams of 2:

Complete the following movements, sharing one barbell. One person works while the other rests. Divide the reps however you choose, but you must finish all 50 reps of a movement before proceeding to the next. If the barbell is set down at any point, both partners must complete a 10 burpee penalty.

50 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts

50 Barbell Hang Cleans

50 Barbell Shoulder to Overhead

50 Barbell Standing Good Mornings

50 Barbell Thrusters

50 Barbell Front Reverse Lunges

Weights: Men: 95# Women: 65#

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