sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.19.24

"60 Second Spartan" is a dynamic, EMOM-style workout designed to challenge your focus, pacing, and recovery. Inspired by Spartan Races, this workout features 10 different exercises performed on a running clock, simulating the high-intensity demands of obstacle course racing. With minimal equipment and a wide range of physical demands, "60 Second Spartan" is a fantastic 30-minute workout for any fitness enthusiast looking to push their limits and improve their overall fitness.

Equipment Needed: Pull-up bar, Plyo Box (24/20"), Kettlebell (24/16kg)

  • 3 Rounds EMOM:

    • Minute 1: 12x Burpees

    • Minute 2: 12x Pull-Ups

    • Minute 3: 15x Box Jumps (24/20")

    • Minute 4: 15x Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

    • Minute 5: 15x Hand Release Push-Ups

    • Minute 6: 20x Air Squats

    • Minute 7: 20x Sit-Ups

    • Minute 8: 20x Alternating Jumping Lunges

    • Minute 9: 30sec Mountain Climbers

    • Minute 10: 30sec High Plank Shoulder Taps

  • Rest for the remaining time in each minute.


  • 3 Rounds EMOM:

    • Minute 1: Up-Downs

    • Minute 2: Band Assisted

    • Minute 3: Box Step Ups

    • Minute 4: Kettlebell Deadlifts

    • Minute 5: Kneeling Push Ups

    • Minute 6: TRX Squats

    • Minute 7: Crunches

    • Minute 8: Alternating Reverse Lunges

    • Minute 9: High Plank Hold

    • Minute 10: Low Plank Hold

Strategy & Pacing:

Workout Goals: The goal is to complete all prescribed reps within each minute for a total of three rounds. This workout isn't about winning but about maintaining consistent effort and completing each minute's reps.

Pacing Tips:

  • Rest Periods: Move smoothly and methodically through the exercises to manage your heart rate, allowing time for rest and transition to the next exercise. Avoid sprinting to prevent burnout.

  • Unbroken Sets: The rep scheme is manageable, so aim to complete each set unbroken or with no more than one break. Focus on maintaining a steady pace.

  • Transitions: Set up your equipment to minimize transition time and keep moving smoothly between exercises. The less time spent transitioning, the more time available for recovery.

Coach’s Notes:

  • Focus on maintaining good range of motion and technique over speed or difficulty.

  • Remember to land softly on any jumping movements to ensure good force production and reaction.

  • Consistency is key in this workout.

  • Embrace the discomfort and stay with it - this workout is about managing the pain and being resilient.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.26.24


sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.12.24