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sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.5.24

"Head in the Sand" is a challenging workout built to test your upper body strength, explosive power, and odd object control. This workout features a descending ladder of handstand push-ups paired with an ascending ladder of sandbag cleans, with a sandbag carry between each round. Designed to be attacked at breakneck speed, this workout will leave you burning inside and out. Push through the pain and past your limits as you race to finish this grueling workout!

Equipment Needed: Wall space for handstand push-ups and a sandbag (200/100#).

For Time:

  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x Handstand Push-Ups

  • 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10x Sandbag Clean (200/100#)

  • 50m Sandbag Carry (200/100#) between each round

Instructions: Start with 10 Handstand Push-Ups and 1 Sandbag Clean. After completing these reps, perform a 50m Sandbag Carry. In the next round, perform 9 Handstand Push-Ups and 2 Sandbag Cleans, followed by another 50m Sandbag Carry. Continue this pattern, decreasing the Handstand Push-Ups by 1 rep each round and increasing the Sandbag Cleans by 1 rep each round, always finishing each round with a 50m Sandbag Carry. The final round will be 1 Handstand Push-Up, 10 Sandbag Cleans, and a 50m Sandbag Carry.

Scoring: Time to complete all 10 rounds.

Performance Goals:

  • Beginner: 16 minutes

  • Intermediate: 14 minutes

  • Advanced: 12 minutes

  • Elite: 10 minutes


  • Beginner: Hand Release Push Ups - 150/75# Sandbag

  • Intermediate: Pike Push Ups - 100/50# Sandbag

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Rest Periods: Ideally, take rest between exercises, not mid-set. Keep these breaks short and strategic.

  • Unbroken Sets: Aim to go unbroken whenever possible. If you can't perform touch-and-go sandbag cleans, establish a consistent rest rhythm between singles and stick to it.

  • Transitions: Position your sandbag close to the push-up station to minimize transition time.

Coach’s Notes:

  • General Tips: Prioritize good form over speed. Maintaining proper technique is crucial to avoid injury, especially with the heavy sandbag cleans and carries.

  • Movement Cues:

    • Handstand Push-Ups: Keep your core tight and engage your shoulders, maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels. You can perform strict or kipping handstand push-ups. Find a rhythm between your breathing and reps, exhaling as you press up. Ensure you achieve full lockout at the top of each rep for proper form and effectiveness.

    • Sandbag Clean: Stand over the sandbag with feet shoulder-width apart. Get as much of your arms around the sandbag as you can, bend your knees, and drop your hips low to bring the sandbag into your lap. Use your legs and hips to drive the sandbag up, keeping it close to your body. Stand up explosively, using your back and arm muscles to hoist the sandbag up to your shoulder, catching it in a strong, stable position.

    • Sandbag Carry: Hold the sandbag securely at your chest or over your shoulder. Keep your core engaged and shoulders back while walking with a controlled, steady pace. Take small, fast steps and remember to breathe consistently throughout the carry.

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