Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

“Dead Man Walking”

Welcome to the "Dead Man Walking" WOD - a thrillingly spooky way to break a sweat this Halloween! Prepare to conquer 10 haunting rounds against a ticking 31-minute clock, battling through 6 Barbell Deadlifts, 9 Dual Dumbbell Devil’s Presses, and 12 Dual Dumbbell “Walking Dead” Lunges. Navigate the graveyard of reps with smart pacing, ensuring each lift and lunge is a step towards victory, not an early grave! Whether you’re a beginner witch or a wizard with the weights, we've got scaling options to ensure everyone has a ghastly good time. Let's raise the dead, pump some iron, and remember: the only thing scarier than this workout is skipping it!

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