“Dead Man Walking”

10 Rounds for Time: (31min Cap)

6x BB Deadlift (225/185#)

9x Dual DB Devil’s Press (35/25#)

12x Dual DB Walking Dead Lunges (35/25#)

Scaling Options:

  • Rx+: Deadlifts at 255/205#

  • Intermediate: Deadlifts at 185/135#, lighter DBs as needed.

  • Beginner: Deadlifts at 135/95#, adjust DB weights, and consider reducing rounds.


BB Deadlift:

  • Setup: Stand hip-width apart, barbell over mid-feet.

  • Action: Hinge at the hips, grip the bar, engage the core, and stand upright, then reverse the motion.

  • Tip: Keep that back straight and drive through the heels.

  1. Dual DB Devil’s Press:

    • Setup: Start with DBs on the ground.

    • Action: Perform a burpee, then as you rise, snatch the DBs overhead in one fluid motion.

    • Tip: Use the momentum from the burpee to aid the snatch!

  2. Dual DB Walking Dead Lunges:

    • Setup: Hold DBs at your side.

    • Action: Step forward into a lunge, alternating legs.

    • Tip: Keep the knee tracking over the toe and torso upright.

Strategy & Tips:

  • Pacing is Key:

    • Start Conservative: The first few rounds should feel manageable.

    • Mid-Rounds Check-In: By round 5, assess how you’re feeling and if possible, push the pace slightly.

    • Last Rounds: Dig deep! If you’ve paced well, you can increase your speed and finish strong.

  • Deadlift Strategy:

    • Breathing: Inhale on the way down, exhale as you stand to ensure a tight core and safe lower back.

    • Grip: Alternate your grip (one palm facing you, one away) to maintain a strong hold on the bar.

    • Breaks: If you need to break up the sets, try to avoid doing so until the later rounds if possible.

  • Devil's Press Efficiency:

    • Use Your Legs: Make sure to engage your legs and hips to thrust the dumbbells overhead, saving arm strength.

    • Flow: Aim to make the movement from burpee to dumbbell snatch as fluid as possible.

    • Rest At The Top: If needed, utilize a brief pause when the DBs are overhead to catch a breath.

  • Lunge Tactics:

    • Upright Torso: Maintain an upright position to avoid straining the lower back.

    • Step Length: Ensure your step isn’t too short or too long - find a distance that allows a 90-degree bend in both knees at the lunge's deepest point.

    • DB Position: Holding the DBs can get taxing - consider alternating between a suitcase and front rack hold for variance.

  • Transition Tips:

    • Deadlift to Press: Use the end of the deadlifts as a brief respite before hitting the devil’s press.

    • Press to Lunge: Take a couple of deep breaths and reset before launching into lunges.

    • Reset Mentally: Use transitions to mentally prepare for the next movement, especially when fatigue sets in.

  • When The Going Gets Tough:

    • Remember Your ‘Why’: When it burns, remember why you started and use that to push through!

    • Visualize the End: Picture yourself successfully completing the round and use that visualization to drive you forward.

    • Break it Down: If needed, break the remaining reps and rounds into smaller, more mentally manageable chunks.

  • Be Mindful of Your Body:

    • Listen: If something feels off or painful (not to be confused with general workout discomfort), consider scaling or modifying.

    • Stay Hydrated: Sip on water throughout, especially if you’re sweating heavily.

    • Post-WOD Care: Consider a cool down and some stretching post-WOD to aid recovery.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 11.1.23


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