sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD 1.10.24

“Sync or Swim”

Gear up for a synchronized test of strength, endurance, and teamwork in this dynamic partner workout. You and your partner will move in unison through a series of challenging exercises, divided into two distinct segments with a rest period in between. The key to success in this workout is seamless coordination and consistent pacing, making it not just a physical challenge but also a test of communication and teamwork.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 8.16.23

“Tag Team 300”

For Time in Teams of 2:

Complete the following movements, sharing one barbell. One person works while the other rests. Divide the reps however you choose, but you must finish all 50 reps of a movement before proceeding to the next. If the barbell is set down at any point, both partners must complete a 10 burpee penalty.

50 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts

50 Barbell Hang Cleans

50 Barbell Shoulder to Overhead

50 Barbell Standing Good Mornings

50 Barbell Thrusters

50 Barbell Front Reverse Lunges

Weights: Men: 95# Women: 65#

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