sySTM Fitness WOD: 8.16.23
“Tag Team 300”
Workout Description:
For Time in Teams of 2:
Complete the following movements, sharing one barbell. One person works while the other rests. Divide the reps however you choose, but you must finish all 50 reps of a movement before proceeding to the next. If the barbell is set down at any point, both partners must complete a 10 burpee penalty.
50 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
50 Barbell Hang Cleans
50 Barbell Shoulder to Overhead
50 Barbell Standing Good Mornings
50 Barbell Thrusters
50 Barbell Front Reverse Lunges
Weights: Men: 95# Women: 65#
Scaling Options:
Rx (Prescribed)
Use the listed weights and movements.
Reduce the weight (e.g., Men: 75#, Women: 55#).
Reduce burpee penalty to 5 reps.
Further reduce the weight (e.g., Men: 45#, Women: 35#).
Omit burpee penalty or substitute with a less intensive movement (e.g., air squats).
Strategy & Tips:
Communication: This is crucial in partner workouts. Discuss beforehand how you plan to divide the reps. Consistent sets with short breaks often work better than long sets with extended rests.
Barbell Management: Since setting the bar down initiates a burpee penalty, it's essential to be strategic about when and how often you switch partners. Consider switching just before fatigue sets in to avoid unnecessary penalties.
Pacing: It's easy to come out too strong in partner workouts since you get rest while your partner works. However, remember the burpee penalty and choose a sustainable pace to maintain good form and minimize bar drops.
Movement Transitions: Minimize the transition time between exercises. The faster you can switch from one movement to the next, the more efficient your workout will be.
Additional Notes:
A comprehensive warm-up focusing on the hamstrings, shoulders, hips, and wrists will set you up for success.
Use a comfortable and secure grip, adjusting as necessary for different movements.
Post-workout, stretch and recover, focusing especially on the lower back, hamstrings, and shoulders.
Remember, this workout is as much about teamwork and strategy as it is about strength and stamina. Choose a partner with a similar fitness level and mindset, communicate effectively, and push each other to do your best. Enjoy the burn and camaraderie!