Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD Stan Muckerman

Burn the Bird

Gear up for "Burn the Bird," an exhilarating and multifaceted workout designed to push your limits like never before. This challenging routine spans various stages, including clean-and-jerks, intense cardio on the bike and rower, and bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and burpees. With built-in rest periods to help you recharge, this workout is a perfect blend of endurance, strength, and agility training. Join us to test your mental and physical prowess and emerge stronger and more resilient. Get ready to sweat, surpass your boundaries, and 'burn the bird' with us!

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Holiday WOD, Hero WOD Stan Muckerman Holiday WOD, Hero WOD Stan Muckerman

“Thanksgiving with the Heroes”

This high-intensity, multi-stage challenge is designed to test your endurance, strength, and agility. Starting at Murph's House and moving through Rankel's, Bradshaw’s, Holleyman's, and more - each segment pushes you with a unique blend of exercises. Suitable for athletes of all levels, we offer scaled versions to accommodate beginners and intermediate fitness enthusiasts. Conquer each house with determination and see how quickly you can complete this exhilarating, full-body workout.

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