Four-Leaf Fitness Frenzy

"The Four-Leaf Fitness Frenzy" is a St. Patrick’s Day-themed team workout designed for groups of four. This workout begins and concludes with a 1600m team run, representing the four leaves of a clover, a symbol of good fortune. Between the runs, teams tackle various fitness stations, each presenting a unique challenge. The workout highlights teamwork, endurance, and strength, making it an ideal way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with camaraderie and fitness.

Rx Version

In Teams of 4:

  1. 1600m Run: Each member runs 400m simultaneously. The total time of all members is used for scoring.

  2. Fitness Stations:

    • Station 1: 200 Leprechaun Lunges (35/25#) - Perform forward or reverse lunges with a dumbbell in each hand. Each leg counts as 1 rep.

    • Station 2: 200 Dublin Dips - Execute bodyweight triceps dips on rings or dip bars.

    • Station 3: 200 Shamrock Squats (50/40#) - Complete dumbbell goblet squats.

    • Station 4: 100 Blarney Burpee Broad Jumps - Do burpees ending with a broad jump.

  3. 1600m Run: Finish with another team run.

Scaled Version

  1. 1600m Run: Each team member runs 400m.

  2. Fitness Stations:

    • Station 1: 200 Scaled Leprechaun Lunges - Perform lunges with lighter or no dumbbells.

    • Station 2: 200 Assisted Dublin Dips - Use resistance bands or perform bench dips.

    • Station 3: 200 Lighter Shamrock Squats - Do goblet squats with lighter weights.

    • Station 4: 100 Modified Blarney Burpee Broad Jumps - Execute standard burpees, omitting the broad jump.

  3. 1600m Run: Conclude with a 400m run per team member.

Strategy & Pacing

  • Frequent Rotations: Rotate stations often to maintain high intensity and manage fatigue. Short sets keep the team moving efficiently.

  • Even Distribution: Ensure a balanced workload among team members.

  • Steady Running Pace: Aim for a consistent pace during runs to conserve energy.

  • Communication: Maintain open communication for smooth transitions and teamwork.

Workout & Exercise Execution

  • 1600m Runs: Run at a steady pace, motivating each other and staying together.

  • Leprechaun Lunges: Keep the front knee aligned with the foot and the back knee just above the ground.

  • Dublin Dips: Lower until shoulders are below elbows, then fully extend arms.

  • Shamrock Squats: Hold the dumbbell close to the chest, squatting with a straight back.

  • Blarney Burpee Broad Jumps: Perform a full burpee and end with a dynamic broad jump.

Coach's Tips

  • Dynamic Warm-Up: Begin with mobility and light cardio exercises.

  • Focus on Form: Emphasize proper form, especially in weighted exercises.

  • Hydration: Stay hydrated, especially if wearing costumes.

  • Team Spirit: Wear green or festive attire to boost morale.

  • Celebrate Together: Acknowledge the team's effort and success post-workout.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 3.20.24

