sySTM Fitness WOD: 3.20.24

This workout is not just a physical challenge, but a mental one, pushing you to maintain intensity and focus through six grueling rounds. Each round consists of two quarter-mile runs, followed by high-repetition bodyweight exercises, designed to test your cardiovascular endurance and muscular stamina. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, offers an opportunity to benchmark your personal endurance and strength. It's a race against the clock, a battle against fatigue, and a journey towards personal bests.

6 Rounds: For Time

0.25mi Run
25x Push Ups
0.25mi Run
25x Jump Squats

Time Cap & Performance Goals:

  • Time Cap: 35 Minutes

  • Beginner: 28-35 Minutes

  • Intermediate: 21-28 Minutes

  • Advanced: Under 21 Minutes

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Consistent Runs: Aim for a steady, maintainable pace on the runs. It's about endurance, not sprinting.

  • Push-Up Technique: Break up the push-ups into smaller sets if needed, focusing on maintaining good form.

  • Energetic Jump Squats: Use a full range of motion for the jump squats, but pace yourself to avoid burning out.

  • Breathing Control: Focus on controlled breathing throughout, especially during transitions between exercises.

Coach’s Tips:

  • Run Strategy: Use the runs as a chance to find a rhythm and prepare mentally for the push-ups and jump squats.

  • Muscle Engagement: Ensure full muscle engagement and proper form in push-ups and jump squats to maximize effectiveness and prevent injury.

  • Transition Efficiency: Minimize rest between exercises. Quick transitions will help maintain momentum and heart rate.

  • Finish Strong: Give your all in the final round, using any remaining energy to push through to the end.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


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