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sySTM Fitness WOD: 11.1.23

Lactic Relay

Objective: Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes, cycling through the following stations as a team:


  1. Fan Bike

  2. Plyo Box for Step Ups (24/20")

  3. Plyo Box for Jumps (24/20")


  • Fan Bike: 12/10 calories (Men/Women)

  • Box Step Ups: 12 reps

  • Box Jumps: 3 reps

Team Format:

  • Teams of 3-5

  • Line up single file facing the fan bike


  1. Start: Person 1 (P1) starts with the fan bike, hitting those calories (12 for men, 10 for women).

  2. Transition 1: P1 moves to the step ups, allowing Person 2 (P2) to start their calorie chase on the fan bike. P1 hits those 12 box step ups.

  3. Transition 2: After step ups, P1 moves to box jumps. P2 waits for the first box to be free if P1 is still there. P3 starts fan bike calories. P1 begins box jumps ASAP.

  4. Back in Line: P1 (and following members) rejoins the end of the line post box jumps, and the circuit continues.

  5. Cycle Through: Team members move through stations in a relay-style manner, enabling the next member to begin a station as soon as one is vacated.

Strategic Tips:

  • Swift & Steady: Speed is crucial but pace yourself to avoid burning out early - it’s a 15-minute hustle!

  • Transitions Matter: Move swiftly between stations to maximize your rest and keep the team flow steady.

  • Communicate Clearly: Shout out when you’re shifting stations to keep everyone in the loop and transitions slick.

  • Quality Over Quantity: Ensure each rep is clean and safe to avoid injury and ensure every rep counts.

  • Keep the Vibes Up: Encouragement is key - boost your teammates with cheers and keep that team spirit ablaze!

Coach’s Notes:

In this 15-minute AMRAP, teams hustle through the circuit, aiming for max rounds while keeping transitions smooth and maintaining the energy. Remember, it’s not just about individual effort but how well you move as a unit. Sync up, support each other, and let’s crush "Lactic Relay" together!

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever