sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.28.24

This workout is a time-capped team challenge designed to test cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and team strategy. Teams of three will work to complete a high volume of Burpee Box Jump Overs, Double Unders, and Rowing before the time cap. Each element is carefully chosen to demand the best from you and your teammates, both in terms of individual skill and collective coordination. The key is to divide the work efficiently as a team and aim to maintain a steady rhythm throughout each exercise.

Rx Version:

  • 150 Burpee Box Jump Overs

  • 300 Double Unders

  • 3000m Row

Team Structure:

  • Teams of 3.

  • Divide the work in any capacity.

  • Athletes may work simultaneously at different stations.

  • Only one athlete may work at a given station at any time.

Time Cap & Scoring:

  • Time Cap: 25 Minutes

  • Scoring: Time recorded when the final meter is rowed.

Performance Goals:

  • Beginner Teams: 22-25 Minutes

  • Intermediate Teams: 18-21 Minutes

  • Advanced Teams: Less than 18 Minutes

Strategy & Pacing:

  • Divide and Conquer: Strategically divide the reps and meters based on each athlete's strengths and weaknesses.

  • Steady Pace on Burpee Box Jump Overs: Maintain a consistent, manageable pace to avoid early burnout.

  • Double Unders Efficiency: Focus on rhythm and breathing to minimize fatigue and mistakes.

  • Sustained Effort on the Row: Keep a steady, strong pace on the rower, aiming for consistent split times.

Coach’s Tips on Execution:

  • Transition Efficiency: Quick transitions between athletes are crucial, especially under a strict time cap.

  • Communication: Constant communication among team members is key to manage fatigue and divide the workload effectively.

  • Form and Technique: Maintain good form in Burpee Box Jump Overs and Double Unders to ensure safety and efficiency.

  • Finish Strong: Encourage each other to push hard in the final stretch, especially on the rower, to complete the workout within the time cap.

Remember, the "Triple Team Challenge" is designed to test your team's endurance, coordination, and strategy. Work together efficiently, communicate effectively, and push each other to complete this challenging workout within the time cap.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever




sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.21.24