sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 4.10.24

This workout is a high-energy partner workout designed to build synergy and endurance. Over the course of two 6-minute AMRAP sessions, partners will perform synchronized wall balls and alternating dumbbell snatches, challenging their coordination and stamina. This workout not only tests physical strength, but also requires partners to move in unison, creating a dynamic and collaborative fitness experience.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.7.24

The "Pair Up Throwdown" is a partner workout that combines cardiovascular endurance with strength training. The first segment of the workout is performed in a "You Go, I Go" fashion, including Russian Kettlebell Swings, Toes to Bar, and Wall Balls. After completing these movements, partners will have the remaining time to establish a 3-rep max for both the Back Squat and Deadlift. The workout not only tests cardiovascular endurance but also strength and power.

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Benchmark WOD Stan Muckerman Benchmark WOD Stan Muckerman


“Kelly” is a popular stamina testing Crossfit WOD. Designed for athletes to assess their progress over time, it involves five rounds of a 400-meter run, 30 box jumps, and 30 wall ball shots. This workout targets both cardiovascular and muscular endurance, aiming to push athletes to their limits.

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