sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.20.23


In Teams of 2:

Buy In: Partners must simultaneously complete 0.50mi run.

  • 100 Hang Cleans

  • 100 BB Squat Thrusters

  • 100 Burpees

Cash Out: Partners must simultaneously complete 0.50mirun.

Key Point: You and your partner are a unit. Divide the reps however you want, but always move together. If one needs a breather, both pause. When one's ready to pick up the bar or drop for a burpee, both of you should be in sync. You must complete the same exercise at the same time.

Equipment Needed: 2x Barbells (45# for Males, 35# for Females)


  1. Synchronized Approach: The beauty of this workout is the synergy between partners. Focus on matching each other's rhythm. This isn’t about individual prowess, but collective stamina.

  2. Pace Your Run: Don't sprint out of the gate on the initial run. Use it to warm up, set a tempo, and mentally prepare for the weighted sections.

  3. Form is Everything: As fatigue creeps in, it's tempting to cut corners, especially with compound movements like Hang Cleans and BB Squat Thrusters. Prioritize form over speed every time. This isn't just about avoiding injury; proper form ensures every rep counts.

  4. Talk It Out: The essence of teamwork is communication. If you're feeling the burn and need a breather, tell your partner. If you see them struggling with form, offer a tip. Stay vocal, stay engaged.

Making Adjustments:

  • Progressions: If this feels too easy and you're up for a real challenge, consider increasing the weight or adding reps. Alternatively, throw in a weighted vest for the runs and burpees.

  • Regressions: If the recommended weights feel too heavy, it's alright. Drop down to a weight you're comfortable with. If the reps seem too high, consider reducing them to maintain quality and form throughout. Remember, it’s about consistent movement and teamwork, not just finishing first.

Cues to Remember:

  • Hang Cleans: Keep the chest up, pull the bar close to your body, and remember to use the hips to drive upwards.

  • BB Squat Thrusters: Maintain a firm grip, keep those elbows forward, and use the momentum from your squat to push the bar overhead.

  • Burpees: Land softly, keep the core engaged, and use your arms for momentum.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.27.23


sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.13.23