sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.27.23

The Triad

The Triad is an engaging blend of cardiovascular endurance, static strength, and team coordination. In a trio, members rotate through three distinct stations – one rowing, one resting, and one enduring a wall sit. Teamwork and communication are key to getting the most out of this challenge.

In Teams of 3:

  1. Complete a collective rowing distance of 6000m.

  2. Roles:

    • Partner A: Rowing

    • Partner B: Resting

    • Partner C: Wall Sit Hold

  3. Rotation: The team rotates positions anytime the rower or the wall-sitter needs a break or rests. This means that each partner will experience all three stations multiple times throughout the workout.


  • Steady Rowing: It's crucial that the rower maintains a consistent pace. Explosive starts might seem effective, but they can lead to quicker burnouts.

  • Wall Sit Form: Ensure the back is flat against the wall, with knees at a 90-degree angle. This position can be taxing, so aim for quality over quantity.

  • Active Resting: While Partner B is "resting", they should still stay active – either through light stretches, deep breathing, or encouraging their teammates.

  • Switch Smartly: Efficient and quick transitions between roles are essential to keep the momentum going and cover the 6000m efficiently.

Making Adjustments:

  • Progressions: If you’re after an added challenge, increase the rowing distance or introduce a weighted plate during the wall sit for added resistance.

  • Regressions: If 6000m seems daunting or the wall sit proves too intense, consider reducing the rowing distance or allowing shorter wall sit durations with brief breaks in between.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 10.4.23


sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.20.23