sySTM Fitness WOD: 10.4.23

"Thruster Hustler"

Workout Description:

Part A: 4 Rounds for Time

  • 400m Run OR 500m Row (Athletes can choose one modality or alternate each round between running and rowing)

  • 20x Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")

Rest 6 minutes before transitioning to Part B.

Part B: In 12 minutes...

  • Build to 2RM Barbell Squat Thruster


  • Score = Part A Time - Part B Weight (1lb = 1 second)



  • 600m Run/750m Row - 30/24” Box Height


  • Part A: Reduce box height (e.g., Men: 20", Women: 16") and consider 15x Burpee Box Jump Overs per round.

  • Part B: Focus on form and only build to a weight that can be managed with proper technique.


  • Part A: 200m Run or 250m Row, and 10x Burpee Step Overs per round.

  • Part B: Choose a light-to-moderate weight and perform regular thrusters focusing on form instead of maxing out.

Strategy & Tips:

Pacing is Key:

  • Part A: Manage your pace from the start. A steady pace during the runs/rows and a consistent, unbroken rhythm on the burpee box jump overs can conserve energy for Part B.

  • Part B: Begin with lighter sets and incrementally add weight to manage fatigue and maintain form.

Transition Wisely:

  • Minimize rest during transitions between the run/row and burpee box jump overs.

  • Ensure safe and quick weight changes in Part B by having your weight plates organized and nearby.

Maintain Form:

  • During Part B, prioritize form over weight to prevent injury and maximize efficiency in the lift.

  • Engage your core and use the hip drive to aid the thruster.

Coach’s Notes:

Part A:

  • Focus on smooth and consistent mechanics during both the run/row and burpee box jump overs.

  • Emphasize a quick and efficient burpee technique, minimizing unnecessary movements.

  • Coach athletes to use their arms during the box jumps to assist in propelling them upwards.

Part B:

  • A proper warm-up for the thruster should include priming the squat and press motions, ensuring athletes’ hips, knees, and shoulders are ready for the lift.

  • Encourage athletes to take sufficient rest between heavy sets to ensure optimal performance in each lift.

  • If athletes reach a 2RM before the 12 minutes are up, they can choose to either end Part B early or attempt a higher weight.

Additional Warm-up/Cooldown:

  • Warm-up: Include movements that elevate the heart rate and also dynamically stretch the legs, hips, and shoulders.

  • Cooldown: Prioritize stretching and maybe include light rowing or jogging to aid recovery, followed by focused stretching or rolling for the legs and shoulders.

Scoring Reminder:

  • Make sure athletes understand the scoring system, recording their time for Part A and the weight lifted in Part B, and calculating their final score accurately.

Safety Note:

  • Ensure all athletes understand the importance of safely bailing a lift during Part B if they are unable to complete a rep to maintain a safe training environment.

This workout challenges both your metabolic conditioning and your strength, demanding a blend of strategic pacing, power output, and max strength. Ensure all athletes prioritize safe and effective movement, supporting them to achieve their best in both elements of the workout!

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


“Lt. Brad Clark”


sySTM Fitness WOD: 9.27.23