sySTM Fitness WOD, Team Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Team Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 7.10.24

“Squad Sync Up” is a high-energy, team-based workout designed to test your synchronization, stamina, and skill. This 20-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) challenges you and your partner to stay in sync and push your limits together. Perfect for athletes looking to enhance their teamwork, this workout incorporates three demanding movements that will elevate your heart rate and test your coordination. (Recommended team size: 2-4 athletes)

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.7.24

The "Pair Up Throwdown" is a partner workout that combines cardiovascular endurance with strength training. The first segment of the workout is performed in a "You Go, I Go" fashion, including Russian Kettlebell Swings, Toes to Bar, and Wall Balls. After completing these movements, partners will have the remaining time to establish a 3-rep max for both the Back Squat and Deadlift. The workout not only tests cardiovascular endurance but also strength and power.

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sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD 1.10.24

“Sync or Swim”

Gear up for a synchronized test of strength, endurance, and teamwork in this dynamic partner workout. You and your partner will move in unison through a series of challenging exercises, divided into two distinct segments with a rest period in between. The key to success in this workout is seamless coordination and consistent pacing, making it not just a physical challenge but also a test of communication and teamwork.

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sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD, Partner Workout Stan Muckerman

sySTM Fitness WOD: 10.18.23

Get ready to dive into "Partner Pyramids,” where you and your buddy will tackle squats, push-ups, and toes to bar in a super fun, yet challenging pyramid format! One of you hits the reps while the other holds strong in an isometric pose, then you swap - teamwork makes the dream work, right? Let’s hit those highs and lows together, keep each other pumped, and remember: we’re not just getting fit, we’re building bonds that make us unstoppable.

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sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman sySTM Fitness WOD Stan Muckerman

Hell’s Hingin’

This workout is designed to be a challenging combination of strength and conditioning. The high-rep deadlifts and toes to bar will target your posterior chain, grip strength, and core. The rowing or skiing portions provide a cardiovascular challenge. The intended stimulus is to push your limits in terms of strength, endurance, and mental resilience.

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