sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.7.24

The "Pair Up Throwdown" is a partner workout that combines cardiovascular endurance with strength training. The first segment of the workout is performed in a "You Go, I Go" fashion, including Russian Kettlebell Swings, Toes to Bar, and Wall Balls. After completing these movements, partners will have the remaining time to establish a 3-rep max for both the Back Squat and Deadlift. The workout not only tests cardiovascular endurance but also strength and power.

Rx Version (Partner Workout)

For Time and Max Weight:

  • 20each Russian KB Swings (28/20kg)

  • 40each Toes to Bar

  • 60each Wall Balls (20/14#)

  • 40each Toes to Bar

  • 20each Russian KB Swings (28/20kg)

  • After completing the swings:

    • Establish a 3 Rep Max Back Squat (One athlete)

    • Establish a 3 Rep Max Deadlift (Other athlete)

Scaled Version

  • 20each Russian KB Swings (20/16kg)

  • 40each Hanging Knee Raises

  • 60each Wall Balls (14/10#)

  • 40each Hanging Knee Raises

  • 20each Russian KB Swings (20/16kg)

  • After completing the swings:

    • Establish a 3 Rep Max Back Squat (One athlete)

    • Establish a 3 Rep Max Deadlift (Other athlete)

Time Cap & Scoring

  • Time Cap: 20 Minutes

  • Scoring: Total weight lifted between partners for the Back Squat and Deadlift.

Strategy & Pacing

  • Divide and Conquer: Utilize each partner's strengths, assigning the more proficient lifter to their stronger lift in the strength segment.

  • Steady Cardio Pace: Maintain a consistent pace in the kettlebell swings, toes to bar, and wall balls to conserve energy for the lifts.

  • Strategic Lifting: Plan your lifting attempts carefully. Avoid going too heavy too soon to prevent failure and wasted time.

  • Communication: Stay in sync with your partner, especially during the transition from cardio to lifting.

Coach’s Tips on Execution

  • Warm-Up Together: A dynamic warm-up focusing on both cardio and lifting movements is crucial for this workout.

  • Mind Your Form: In both cardio and lifting, maintain proper form to prevent injury and ensure efficiency.

  • Know Your Limits: Be realistic about your lifting capabilities. It’s better to successfully lift a slightly lighter weight than to fail at a heavier one.

  • Cheer Each Other On: Motivation can greatly enhance performance, especially during challenging lifts.

  • Smart Transitions: Minimize downtime when switching between exercises and partners.

The "Pair Up Throwdown" is an excellent test of both cardiovascular endurance and strength, demanding not just physical prowess but also strategic planning and teamwork. Team up, chalk up, and rise up to the challenge - where every swing, lift, and squat brings you closer to achieving collective greatness.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


Sweetheart Sweat Sesh

