sySTM Fitness WOD: 10.18.23

Partner Pyramids

Part A: Squat & Wall Sit Pyramid

  • Process:

    • P1 performs 10 squats, P2 holds a wall sit.

    • Swap roles: P2 performs 20 squats, P1 holds.

    • Continue this pattern: P1 - 30, P2 - 40, P1 - 50, then descend: P2 - 50, P1 - 40, P2 - 30, P1 - 20, P2 - 10.

  • Key: The non-working partner maintains an isometric wall sit throughout the other’s squats.

  • Focus: Consistent pace, deep squats, and stable wall sit with a 90-degree knee angle.

Part B: Push-Up & Plank Pyramid

  • Process:

    • P1 does 1 push-up, P2 holds a high plank.

    • Swap and add a rep each round until P2 completes 10 push-ups.

    • Descend: P1 performs 10, P2 performs 9, and continue back down to 1, alternating.

  • Key: A strong high plank is held by the non-working partner.

  • Focus: Maintaining solid push-up form and a stable, straight plank.

Part C: Toes to Bar & Dead Hang Pyramid

  • Process:

    • P1 executes 1 toe to bar, P2 holds a dead hang.

    • Swap and add a rep each round until P2 completes 10 toes to bar.

    • Descend: P1 performs 10, P2 performs 9, and continue back down to 1, alternating.

  • Key: A strict dead hang is maintained when not performing toes to bar.

  • Focus: Engaging core in toes to bar and shoulder stability in the dead hang.

Scaling Options:

  • Part B: Opt for incline push-ups or kneeling push-ups and maintain an elbow plank for a reduced intensity.

  • Part C: Swap toes to bar for hanging leg raises or knee raises, or perform supine leg raises if hanging is not possible.

Strategy & Tips:

  • Pacing: Establish a rhythm that allows for minimal breaks and consistent transitions.

  • Communication: Verbally cue when you’re nearing the end of your reps to prepare your partner for their turn.

  • Technique: Prioritize form, especially in fatigued latter rounds, ensuring each rep counts and minimizing injury risk.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


“Dead Man Walking”


“Lt. Brad Clark”