Sweetheart Sweat Sesh

"Sweetheart Sweat Sesh" is a Valentine's Day-themed partner workout designed to test and enhance teamwork, endurance, and strength. This session combines cardio with strength exercises, requiring partners to work together and support each other throughout the workout. It's an excellent way for couples or friends to challenge themselves and bond over fitness.

Rx Version

  1. 1000m Row as a Team / Wall Sit Hold: One partner rows while the other holds a wall sit. Swap as needed.

  2. 200m Partner Carry (100m each): Carry your partner for 100m, then switch.

  3. 40 Synchronized Hand Release Push-Ups: Perform push-ups in unison, lifting hands off the ground at the bottom.

  4. 40 Alternating Box Jumps (24"/20"): Partners take turns, 20 jumps each.

  5. 40 Synchronized Pull-Ups: Perform pull-ups in unison.

  6. Repeat 200m Partner Carry (100m each).

  7. Repeat 1000m Row as a Team / Wall Sit Hold.

Scaled Version

  1. 1000m Row (No Wall Sit): Partners alternate rowing without the wall sit.

  2. 100m Partner Carry (50m each): Carry your partner for 50m, then switch.

  3. 40 Synchronized Kneeling Push-Ups: Perform push-ups in unison on your knees.

  4. 40 Alternating Box Step-Ups: Partners alternate steps, 20 each.

  5. 40 Synchronized Ring Rows: Perform rows in unison.

  6. Repeat 100m Partner Carry (50m each).

  7. Repeat 1000m Row (No Wall Sit).

Time Cap/Score

  • Time Cap: 40 minutes. This cap ensures a consistent flow and allows all pairs to complete the workout within a reasonable time.

  • Score: Total time taken to complete the workout. Record the time when the final rowing session concludes.

Pacing & Strategy

  • Start Moderate: Begin at a steady, manageable pace. Avoid going all-out in the initial rowing and wall sit.

  • Communicate: Constant communication is key, especially during transitions and synchronized exercises.

  • Even Distribution: Ensure both partners contribute equally, especially in the partner carries and alternating exercises.

  • Breakdown Reps: In synchronized movements, consider breaking down the reps into smaller sets to maintain form and synchronization.

  • Conservation: Save some energy for the final row, as it can be challenging after the preceding exercises.

Workout & Exercise Execution

  1. Row/Wall Sit: Swap roles as fatigue sets in. The rower should maintain a steady pace while the wall sit partner focuses on form, keeping knees at 90 degrees and back flat against the wall.

  2. Partner Carry: Use safe lifting techniques. Communicate to ensure comfort and balance.

  3. Synchronized Movements: Stay in sync. In push-ups, both chests should touch the ground simultaneously; in pull-ups, both chins over the bar at the same time.

  4. Box Jumps/Step-Ups: Alternate turns. Ensure full hip extension at the top of the box.

  5. Transitioning: Quick and efficient transitions between exercises will save time.

Coach's Tips

  • Warm-Up Properly: A comprehensive warm-up focusing on mobility and activating key muscle groups is crucial.

  • Focus on Form: Prioritize form over speed, especially in synchronized exercises.

  • Encourage Each Other: Motivation and encouragement go a long way in partner workouts.

  • Stay Hydrated: Keep water nearby and hydrate during transitions.

  • Have Fun: Remember, it's about teamwork and enjoying the process. Celebrate each other's efforts!

With these guidelines, "Sweetheart Sweat Sesh" is set to be a challenging yet rewarding workout that encourages collaboration and fitness in a fun and engaging way. It's not just about the physical challenge, but also about building a stronger connection with your workout partner. Enjoy the workout and Happy Valentine's Day!

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever


sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.21.24


sySTM Fitness WOD: 2.7.24