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sySTM Fitness WOD: 7.24.24

“Bodyweight Blitz” is a straightforward, non-competitive workout designed for those on the go or with limited resources. This workout requires no equipment, making it easily accessible anywhere, anytime. With two distinct circuits focusing on strength, mobility, and endurance, this session aims to provide a comprehensive full-body workout without the need for weights.

Circuit 1: 5 Rounds

  • 20x Alternating Curtsy Lunges

  • 20x Hand Release Push Ups

  • 20x Inverted Rows

  • 0.20mi Run

Rest 2 minutes between each round of Circuit 1. Rest as long as needed before beginning Circuit 2.

Circuit 2: 5 Rounds

  • 20x Alternating Cossack Squats

  • 20x Handstand Push Ups

  • 20x Chin Ups

  • 0.20mi Run

Rest 2 minutes between each round of Circuit 2.

No scoring. No pacing. No strategy. Focus on form, muscle engagement, and enjoying the workout.


Alternating Curtsy Lunges:

  • Execution: Step one leg behind the other and lower into a lunge, ensuring your front knee stays aligned with your toes.

  • Muscle Engagement: Focus on engaging your glutes and inner thighs. You should feel the stretch in your hip flexors.

  • Tips: Keep your chest upright and core engaged. Maintain balance and control throughout the movement.

Hand Release Push Ups:

  • Execution: Perform a standard push-up but lift your hands off the ground at the bottom of the movement before pushing back up.

  • Muscle Engagement: Target your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Engage your core for stability.

  • Tips: Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels. Lower yourself slowly to the ground, lift your hands, and push up explosively.

Inverted Rows:

  • Execution: Use a low bar or sturdy surface. Hang underneath and pull your chest towards the bar, keeping your body straight.

  • Muscle Engagement: Focus on your upper back, lats, and biceps. Engage your core to maintain a straight body position.

  • Tips: Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement. Get creative and use a barbell, TRX, tree branch, table, desk, counter top or any other good edge you can hang from!

Alternating Cossack Squats:

  • Execution: Stand wide and shift your weight to one side, bending that knee while keeping the other leg straight. Alternate sides.

  • Muscle Engagement: Target your inner thighs, glutes, and hamstrings. You should feel a stretch in your adductors.

  • Tips: Keep your chest up and core tight. Ensure your feet remain flat on the ground. If needed, scale to alternating lateral lunges.

Handstand Push Ups:

  • Execution: Kick up into a handstand against a wall and lower your head to the ground before pushing back up.

  • Muscle Engagement: Focus on your shoulders, triceps, and upper back. Engage your core to maintain balance.

  • Tips: Keep your body tight and controlled. If needed, scale by performing pike push-ups on the ground.

Chin Ups:

  • Execution: Hang from a bar with an underhand grip and pull your chin above the bar.

  • Muscle Engagement: Target your biceps, lats, and upper back. Engage your core for stability.

  • Tips: Use a full range of motion, lowering yourself completely before pulling back up. Avoid swinging or kipping.


  • Execution: Run 0.20 miles at a steady pace.

  • Tips: Maintain a relaxed and efficient stride. Focus on breathing rhythmically and staying light on your feet.

Coach’s Notes:

  • Form Over Speed: Focus on performing each movement with correct form and control. Avoid rushing through the reps.

  • Breathing: Maintain steady breathing throughout each exercise to ensure oxygen flow to your muscles.

  • Recovery: Use the rest periods to hydrate and prepare for the next round. Pay attention to how your body feels and rest as needed before starting Circuit 2.

  • Consistency: Aim to complete all reps and rounds, but listen to your body and modify exercises if necessary to maintain good form.

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