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sySTM Fitness WOD: 6.26.24

“HYROX Hustle” is a partner workout inspired by the HYROX race format, designed to test your endurance, strength, and teamwork. This workout is divided into two challenging parts with a mandatory rest in between. The combination of running, synchronized movements, and "You go, I go" intervals will push you and your partner to maintain a high level of intensity and coordination. With varied exercises that mimic the demands of HYROX events, this workout is perfect for athletes looking to improve their race performance and overall fitness.

Equipment Needed: Wall Ball, Dumbbells, Plyo Box, Rower, SkiErg

Part A: 4 Rounds for Time

  • 400m Partner Run

  • 25x Synchro Wall Balls (20/14#)

  • 25x Synchro Burpees

Rest 8 minutes between Part A and Part B.

Part B: For Time

  • 1000m Row as a Team (You Go, I Go)

  • 400m Partner Run

  • 100x DB Walking Lunges (40/30#) (You Go, I Go)

  • 400m Partner Run

  • 1000m Ski as a Team (You Go, I Go)

  • 400m Partner Run

  • 100x DB Box Step Overs (40/30# @ 20") (You Go, I Go)

  • 400m Partner Run

Scoring: The workout is scored by the total time to complete Part A and Part B combined. Do not include the rest period in the calculation.

Performance Goals:

  • Part A:

    • Beginner: 24 minutes

    • Intermediate: 21 minutes

    • Advanced: 18 minutes

    • Elite: 15 minutes

  • Part B:

    • Beginner: 27 minutes

    • Intermediate: 24 minutes

    • Advanced: 21 minutes

    • Elite: 18 minutes

Scaling Options:

  • Wall Balls: 14/10#

  • Burpees: Scale to up-downs.

  • DB Walking Lunges: Lighter dumbbells.

  • DB Box Step Overs: Lower box or lighter dumbbells.

Strategy & Pacing:

Workout Goals: The goal is to complete all prescribed reps and distances as efficiently as possible while maintaining coordination and teamwork. Focus on smooth transitions and consistent pacing throughout both parts of the workout.

Pacing Tips:

  • Rest Periods: Utilize the rest period between Part A and Part B to recover and hydrate. Maintain a steady, controlled pace during the workout to manage fatigue.

  • Unbroken Sets: Aim to complete synchro movements unbroken or with minimal breaks. For "you go, I go" segments, communicate with your partner to keep transitions quick and smooth.

  • Transitions: Set up your equipment to minimize transition time. Efficient transitions between exercises will maximize your rest and recovery time.

Coach’s Notes:

  • Wall Balls: Use your legs to drive the ball up. Keep your core tight and synchronize with your partner for each rep.

  • Burpees: Keep a steady pace and stay in sync with your partner.

  • Row/Ski: Use strong, consistent strokes. Change with your partner frequently to combat fatigue.

  • DB Walking Lunges: Keep your chest up and core engaged. Take long, controlled steps and coordinate with your partner for smooth transitions.

  • DB Box Step Overs: Step up with one foot, then bring the other foot up. Keep the dumbbells close to your body. You are not required to stand up tall when crossing the box.

  • Running: Maintain a steady pace and communicate with your partner to stay together.

Fitter Together - Fitter Forever